At the beginning of this March 2020, we were shocked by the news that the death toll from corona virus (called Covid-19) has reached 3041 people worldwide😱. Around 129 death due to corona virus happening outside of China. Finally, corona virus has spread to Indonesia. There are 6 victims who have been isolated and suspected victims of the corona virus died reached 3 people (source: Corona virus cases all over the world reach 88443. Around 80026 victims from China. Of all, only 44462 victims recovered (source: CNN &
Of course, we are concerned to see this. Efforts to prevent transmission can be done, such as:
1. Maintaining a distance of 0.5 to 2 meters of people who coughing or sneezing
Source: IG @weimankow |
2. Use a mask when to areas that are considered unsterile and if the patient (coughing or sneezing) does not have a mask, immediately give a mask (only used once)
3. In public places, we should avoid crowds of strangers, because maybe one of them transmitting disease. Do social/physical distancing)
4. Wash your hands regularly with soap for 20 seconds
5. Wash with soap the object touched by the patient. Remember, the virus can spread from the sufferer to the objects that are touched and survived for 1 day
6. Don't share food uttensils, food, cups, and towels
7. Don't go abroad for now, especially to areas that are prone to corona virus
8. For additional nutrition, you can consume herbs like ginger, pepper, garlic, temulawak, turmeric, cinnamon, lemongrass9. Greet with a smile and greetings without contact
10. Always keep health and body endurance must be strong with complete nutritional intake, drink plenty of water, regular exercise, sunbathing, positive thinking (don't stress), and adequate rest
11. Always worship, good deeds, and pray😇
Remember, the virus will easily enter the weak body and soul.
While for medicine to cure diseases due to corona virus does not yet exist, is still researched until now, and is predicted to be effective next year. Existing medicine only weaken corona virus, not kill it.
The medicine that is predicted to kill corona virus:
1. Faviriapir
- A kind of generic drug
- Faviriapir is an influenza medicine that has been used to cure ebola disease
2. A combination of HIV and influenza medicine
- The name of medicine is lopinavir and ritonavir
- Each has a trade mark Kaletra and AbbVie
3. Remdesivir serum
- Has been tried to overcome SARS and ebola diseases
- This serum haven't recognition yet
4. Bacht vaccine
- The first bacht vaccine was named mRNA-1273
- mRNA-1273 is made to direct cells in the body to produce proteins, to prevent or fight disease
(Source: &
Hopefully, corona virus killer medicine will be patented soon😇.
Please also come to my first blog (about animals, innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia), third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia), and fourth blog (about pets, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link:
Blog 4:
5. Wash with soap the object touched by the patient. Remember, the virus can spread from the sufferer to the objects that are touched and survived for 1 day
6. Don't share food uttensils, food, cups, and towels
7. Don't go abroad for now, especially to areas that are prone to corona virus
8. For additional nutrition, you can consume herbs like ginger, pepper, garlic, temulawak, turmeric, cinnamon, lemongrass9. Greet with a smile and greetings without contact
10. Always keep health and body endurance must be strong with complete nutritional intake, drink plenty of water, regular exercise, sunbathing, positive thinking (don't stress), and adequate rest
11. Always worship, good deeds, and pray😇
Remember, the virus will easily enter the weak body and soul.
While for medicine to cure diseases due to corona virus does not yet exist, is still researched until now, and is predicted to be effective next year. Existing medicine only weaken corona virus, not kill it.
The medicine that is predicted to kill corona virus:
1. Faviriapir
- A kind of generic drug
- Faviriapir is an influenza medicine that has been used to cure ebola disease
2. A combination of HIV and influenza medicine
- The name of medicine is lopinavir and ritonavir
- Each has a trade mark Kaletra and AbbVie
3. Remdesivir serum
- Has been tried to overcome SARS and ebola diseases
- This serum haven't recognition yet
4. Bacht vaccine
- The first bacht vaccine was named mRNA-1273
- mRNA-1273 is made to direct cells in the body to produce proteins, to prevent or fight disease
(Source: &
Hopefully, corona virus killer medicine will be patented soon😇.
Please also come to my first blog (about animals, innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia), third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia), and fourth blog (about pets, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link:
Blog 4: