Monday, March 2, 2020

Prevention of Corona Virus Transmission and Predictable Medicine Works

At the beginning of this March 2020, we were shocked by the news that the death toll from corona virus (called Covid-19) has reached 3041 people worldwide😱. Around 129 death due to corona virus happening outside of China. Finally, corona virus has spread to Indonesia. There are 6 victims who have been isolated and suspected victims of the corona virus died reached 3 people (source: Corona virus cases all over the world reach 88443. Around 80026 victims from China. Of all, only 44462 victims recovered  (source: CNN &

Of course, we are concerned to see this. Efforts to prevent transmission can be done, such as:
1. Maintaining a distance of 0.5 to 2 meters of people who coughing or sneezing
Source: IG @weimankow

2. Use a mask when to areas that are considered unsterile and if the patient (coughing or sneezing) does not have a mask, immediately give a mask (only used once)

3. In public places, we should avoid crowds of strangers, because maybe one of them transmitting disease. Do social/physical distancing)

4. Wash your hands regularly with soap for 20 seconds

5. Wash with soap the object touched by the patient. Remember, the virus can spread from the sufferer to the objects that are touched and survived for 1 day

6. Don't share food uttensils, food, cups, and towels

7. Don't go abroad for now, especially to areas that are prone to corona virus

8. For additional nutrition, you can consume herbs like ginger, pepper, garlic, temulawak, turmeric, cinnamon, lemongrass9. Greet with a smile and greetings without contact

10. Always keep health and body endurance must be strong with complete nutritional intake, drink plenty of water, regular exercise, sunbathing, positive thinking (don't stress), and adequate rest

11. Always worship, good deeds, and pray😇
Remember, the virus will easily enter the weak body and soul.

While for medicine to cure diseases due to corona virus does not yet exist, is still researched until now, and is predicted to be effective next year. Existing medicine only weaken corona virus, not kill it. 

The medicine that is predicted to kill corona virus: 
1.  Faviriapir
- A kind of generic drug
- Faviriapir is an influenza medicine that has been used to cure ebola disease

2. A combination of HIV and influenza medicine
- The name of medicine is lopinavir and ritonavir
- Each has a trade mark Kaletra and AbbVie

3. Remdesivir serum
- Has been tried to overcome SARS and ebola diseases
- This serum haven't recognition yet

4. Bacht vaccine
- The first bacht vaccine was named mRNA-1273
- mRNA-1273 is made to direct cells in the body to produce proteins, to prevent or fight disease
(Source: &

Hopefully, corona virus killer medicine will be patented soon😇.

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Blog 4:

Friday, January 3, 2020

Groundwater Pollution: Characteristics, Causes, and Prevention

Happy new year friends, hopefully getting better and blessing going forwards. Aamiin🎊🎉😇. Ok friends, the topic of my blog in early 2020 was groundwater pollution. Groundwater pollution shows that water conditions are not good and if used by human it can endanger health. That's why the topic of this blog is still related to health. In addition, groundwater pollution has become a global issue that must be taken seriously because it has been proven to occur in many countries and results in lowering the quality of human life, causing illness, and even death.

There are many characteristics that indicate groundwater pollution:
1. Not clear, smelly, taste, and color
2. Does not have a cool temperature
3. Give rise to deposits
4. Contain high amounts of dissolved particles and heavy metals such as mercury, lead, nickel, and zinc. Heavy metal ions will partially accumulate in various organs, especially the digestive track, liver, and kidneys, so that they can damage the organs
5. Contain toxic substances like hydrocarbon compounds and detergents
6. Turbid water due to rust from iron pipes, mud, clay, and microorganism
7. The water feels rather salty due to the high salt content. This often happen in the area around the river mouth
8. There are pollutans in ground water. If it is feels bitter, the trigger can be iron, aluminium, manganese, sulfate, or lime in large quantities
9. Taste of soapy water. It is doe to alkali contamination. The source can be in the form of washing agents, such as detergents
10. Polluted by pathogenic bacteria (bacteria that cause disease) such as Eschericia colli (causes diarrhea and vomiting), Clostridium perfringens (cause of poison), and Salmonella (causes of typhus)

Cause polluted groundwater:
1. Infiltration of pollutant solution from the garbage bin through the process of washing by rain water
2. Leakage from household sewers, usually caused by septic tank designs that are not up to standard
3. Deposit of river waste that is not immediately addresed
4. Household chemical waste such as detergents that pool in the ground

Detergent Waste😱. Source:
5. Live around the industrial area allows many factories to dispose of their waste carelessly and this can reduce the quality of groundwater
6. Excessive use of ground water in short time without the process of returning water to the ground

Groundwater Contamination. Source: Environment Canada ->
Save groundwater quality with the following preventive measures:
1. Make biopori holes and infiltration Wells at home. Biopori holes cam help us expedite rainwater to seep into the ground

2. Reduce the use of washing detergent. Start washing clothes when they are covered so that less liquid waste is produced
3. Reduce the use of insecticides at home, remember these chemicalsmay stick to the ground and ilfiltrate it through train water. It's better if we use natural ways to repel insects, like eucalyptus oil, orange peel, and garlic
4. Start managing household waste. Separate waste can be decomposed (garbage left over from vegetables/fruits) and which cannot be decomposed (iron, plastic, styrofoam, and glass)
5. Planting trees in the home environment. The precense and green open space can help the absorption of water back into the ground. The existence of small garden is also important for filtering dirty air, reduce noise, preventing flooding and lack of water

Small Garden at My Home

6. Began to skimp on water use, especially during the dry season
7. Periodic maintenance of the pipes in the home, especially the septic tank sewer
(Source: Tabloid Rumah).

Thus the article I made. Health is not only related to human individuals, but also to environmental cleanliness, one of which is to maintain the quality of ground water. If the quality of ground water is good, it will affect the health of our bodies. For example: using groundwater  directly for bathing and undirectly/boiled water for drinking make instan noodles, and cook vegetables.

Please also come to my first blog (about animals, innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia) and third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link: 

Friday, November 1, 2019

Healthy Tips during The Rainy Season

When the rainy season arrives, the weather tends to be cold. Cold weather due to the rainy season can bring various diseases. Beside that, the occurence of lightning storms, strong winds, and floods must also be considered. So, it's time we have to take the time to maintain our bodies to have stronger endurance so that they are not susceptible to disease.
Therefore, it is time for us to aplly some of the tips below so that we are healthy and fit during rainy season:
1. Pay attention to food and beverage consumption
- During the rainy season, the temperature becomes lower, and the body needs many calories to warm the body through healthy food
- The body needs good nutrition to prevent disease
- Mutiply foods that contain vitamin C and antioxidants to strengthen the body's immunity. The best intake of vitamin c is still natural, not supplements, like oranges, strawberry, pineapple, cherries, kiwi, broccoli, brussel sprout, kale, mustard greens, and garlic. But, if you feel natural intake of vitamin C is lacking, then supplements are needed
- Routinly eat high fiber foods to increase body immunity, such as avocados, apples, bananas, pears, carrots, spinach, etc

2. Drink water at least 8 glasses a day
- The importance of drinking enough water to prevent dehydration (not only hot, when cold can dehydrate)
- Drink water as a detox and maintain immunity
- If it gets rained on, it's good to drink warm water or warm herbal tea immediately1 to warm the body

3. Shower after getting rained on
- Cold water isn't problem either, but warm water is more recommended
- Add a few drops of antiseptic to get rid of germs
- Efectively drive out infections and itching

4. Avoid wet walls
- Wet walls are breeding ground for fungus which causes many allergies and triggers asthma
- Wet and moist walls triggers the arrival of disturbing and disgusting animals, such as mosquitoes, snails, milipedes, leeches, and the like

5. Wear warm and thick clothes
It is important to wear warm and thick clothes to keep your body warm in the cold weather of the rainy season
- Applies both when outside the house and inside the house

6. Avoid touching your face and eyes
- Touching the face and eyes will increase the risk of infection, especially if your hands are contaminated with bacteria or viruses during the rainy season
- Exept always wash hands thoroughly

7. Wear footwear well
- Use footwear that are comfortable and safe for the feet, not to narrow and not to loose.
- Pay attention to the soles of shoes or sandals, use special soles for the rainy season. Don't use bare insoles because it makes slippery and easily falls
Keep your footwear clean. If it rained on the footwear, immediately washed and dried in the sun
- If the shoes get wet from the rain, always prepare a spare sandal

8. Close your mouth when sneezing
- This is important to reduce the spread of viruses or bacteria, especially in a room with many people
- Always carry a tissue to cover the nose when sneezing and clean the affected part of the sneeze

Must be Considered: Don't Try Resist Sneezing because It can Cause Arteries to Rupture in the Head and Neck and Don't Sneeze to Loudly because It can Cause Rib Problems
(Source: Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper, September 6, 2019)

9. Bask in the morning
- During the rainy season, blazing sun in the morning is something rare, even though it is very beneficial for the health of the body
- Bask in the morning (hot sun condition) until 9 am is quite effective in increasing endurance and immunity (natural vitamin D3)

10. Always carry an umbrella that you can put in a bag or a special raincoat if you ride a motorcycle
- When going outdoors, always use jacket or at least long-sleeved clothes and trousers to minimize the cold during the rainy season
- If the clothes get wet from the rain, immediately take a warm bath and change cloth

11. Beware of thunderstorms
- If your area is lightning-prone, use lightning rod in your home, even if your home is not terraced
- Don't take a shower during a thunderstorms
- Avoid open fields and rice fields during thunderstorms
- Don't use electronic devices connected to electricity during thunderstorms
- The sound of terrible lightning is prone to cause stress and headaches. For that, listen to soothing music through earphones or stay in a soundproof room equipped with air conditioner

12. Exercise Routine
- Exercise routine to improve the health and fitness so that the does not get sick easily
- During the rainy season, effective exercise is carried out in the morning at least 30 minutes a day. No need to exercise heavily, just walk. The important thing is sweating out
- Even better if you have a treadmill or exercise at gym

13. Be aware of the potential for dengue fever before and during the rainy season
- Close and drain water reservoirs
- Burying used goods
- Clean the environment that is always flooded with dirty water
- Mosquitos that cause dengue fever (aedes aegypty) often arise from dirty puddles
- Use mosquito repellent lotion, especially when going to sleep
- Use mosquito coils of the room is filled with mosquitoes. Make sure the room is not used first for 15 minutes
- For natural medicine, consumption of guava, red yeast rice, and drink plenty of water
- Dengue fever symptoms usually begin with high fever does not heal in three days. If such conditions, immediately consult a doctor

14. Be aware of the potential for diarrhea when the rainy season increases
- Rain water is able to sweep away the dirt that has accumulated in the ground during the dry season, so that the water source or something around it is contaminated (source:
- Body resistence tends to decrease during the rainy season
- Bacteria, viruses, and parasites will easily spread during the rainy season. Be careful eating and drink on the road side, it could be unsterile
- Make sure that vegetables and fruits you eat are washed first
- For the prevention of periodic hand washing, keep your body clean, and (for children) avoid playing with standing water
- For a while, banana as a natural remedy for diarrhea
- Always provide ors and diarrhea medicine
- If you have diarrhea for more than a day, see a doctor immediately

15. Pray for everything
- Pray for the blessing and useful rain
- Pray to avoid disaster like a flood
Pray that health and blessings are always given
Please also come to my first blog (about animals, innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia) and third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link: 

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome on The Left Wrist, Based on My Experience

CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) disease is wrist pain because the nerves are depressed and cause symptoms of pain, numbness and parasthesia. Parasthesia -> tingling or burning (source: wikipedia).

There are several roots causes of CTS:
1. Heredity Factor
2. Woman are more likely to suffer from CTS than men because of:
- Woman has smaller carpal passage than men
- Pregnant woman at are risk of getting CTS due to hormonal changes
3. Certain diseases: diabetes, gout, hypothyroidism, obesity, and kidney failure
4. Wrist injuries, such as: dislocations, join dislocations, and bone fractures
5. Repeated severe activity involving the wrist, such as:
- Lift the barbell with a heavy load
- Playing musical instrument
- Knitting
- Using chainsaw
- Selfie and wefie (wrist often bend inward)
6. Certain profession, such as: tailors, cashiers, barber, packaging workers, endless typing work, and athlete (for example: goalkeeper)
7. Wrong eating/drinking patterns, such as:
- Excess vitamin B6 causes irritation to the nerves
- Efficiency vitamin B6 causes tingling
- Eat too much food that is too salty
- Foods and drinks that are high in purine cause gout which can eventually aggravate CTS
- Junk food and fried foods
- Drinks that are too sweet and carbonated
- Other unhealthy food and drink
(Source: & DA Kartikasari at

I have had CTS on my left wrist a few years ago. Pain, weakness, and swelling on my left wrist occur for a month (relapse)😱. Strangely enough, my right wrist was fine after being overburdened by repeated heavy activity.
My Left Wrist Look Swollen and I Feel Difficult, Weak, Vibrate (Tremor Symptom), and Painful to Just Open The Door Due to CTS Disease. Source: My Photo
According to a doctor, the main cause was severe recurrent activity. I finally realized the root of the problem, which was heavy exercise involving the wrist. For example used barbells and handgrips.

Specificially for the use of handgrip, I used it routenly according to instructions on the internet, namely each hand holding 10 times then resting and holding exercises hold 5 seconds then released (so it continues to ache). At first, just enjoy it, but the problem then arises when it's been 2 weeks, suddenly my left wrist was weak, stiff, painful, and tremors arise. In fact, to open the door, cut the nails, and shift the gears of the car. The feeling of pain gets worse when the dawn was cold, which makes my sleep disturbed.

Wise to Use The Handgrip. It is Effective to Train The Wrist Muscles, but If It Feels Uncomfortable and Causes Pain, Stop Immediately or The Wrist is in Danger. Source: My Own Photo
Beside that, history of gout from a large family of fathers, poor eating/drinking patterns, and obesity can make things worse and make recovery time longer. So, there are many factors that cause CTS to worsen.

The Solutions:
 1. The doctor gave some medicine and vitamin: 
- Potaflam 50 (Diclofenac Sodium)
- Voltadex ointment
- Vitamin B12
2. Rest your wrists in pain until recovered
3. Limit the use of salt 
4. Soak warm water mixed with salt for the affected part by CTS in a few minutes, can also be for gout
5. Compress the affected part by CTS with ice in a few minutes, can also be for gout
6. Avoid foods or drinks that are high in purine. To neutralize it, I ate banana, dates, tomato (but tomato seeds must be discarded), watermelon, apple, orange, and strawberry. Then, I drinked plain green tea and honey. Finally, I also take herbal medicines like Habbatussauda. Taking herbal medicines should not be concurrent with medical drugs, there must be a distance of several hours. For example: I take medical drugs at 8 am, so I can only take herbal medicines at 11 am. If in a doubt, it's best to consult a doctor
7. Used wrist splint. This tool was very effective in reducing pain, especially at night, so it will not interfere with sleep. Beside that, this tool speeds up recovery

I Used Wrist Splint On My Left Wrist Which was Affected by CTS
8. Therapy using thorny rubbers balls (by holding it)
This Therapy was Effective to Speeds Up Recovery and Train The Wrist Muscles
9. Proper eating and drinking patterns
10. Drink water at least 8 glasses a day
11. Sleep quality 7-8 hours a day
12. Bask in the morning (until 9 am) to strengthen the joints & bones
13. Make it habit to warm up before exercising
14.  Positive thinking and pray for health😇.

So this article was made, I apologize if there are shortcomings, and please give me a positive feedback. 

Please also come to my first blog (about animals, innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia) and third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link:

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Monkeypox and Chickenpox, Similar but Not The Same

Pox is a viral skin disease, transmitted trough saliva splashes and direct contact. There are 3 types of pox: chickenpox, monkeypox, and shingles. But, in this article, I will only write about booming pox disease (monkeypox) and compared to pox that often occurs (chickenpox). 

in May 2019, The Singapore government has just announced that a Nigerian who came to Singapore was positive for monkeypox. The cause is that he consumed animal that has contracted the virus while in his home country. This raises alertness if we meet strangers from africa, especially central Africa and west africa although transmissions from human to human is very rare.

Why it called monkeypox, not Africanpox? because it's the name of the virus, called monkeypox virus or MPXV (source: So, it's not the name of the vector animal, monkey😜. While the spread not only from monkey, but also mice, squirrel, and even cute animal: rabbit🐰. The history of monkeypox infection first occured in 1970 at Kongo, Central Africa. After that, it happened in the Americas and Europe (source: Robert Sinto, M.D.). Had disappeared then finally reappeared in 2019.

How about chickenpox? why it called chickenpox, not waterpox😜?  There is an old theory that the rash of pox looks like the peck marks caused by a chicken. But, it doesn't mean transmitted by chicken (source: Steven Dowshen, M.D.). Finally, that name was taken.

Monkeypox is similar to chickenpox but not the same. Both are caused by viruses with the different name. Monkeypox caused by MPXV, while chickenpox caused by varisella zoster or VZV. In addition, both of them have runny lumps, spread throughout the body, & more attacking children. The differences in detail will be explain below.

Source: &
1. Characteristics of monkeypox:
- Caused by monkeypox virus (MPXV)
- Contagion: direct contact with blood, body fluids, and wound to the skin from animals that infected the virus such as monkey, mice, squirrel, and rabbit
-  Incubation period during 5-21 days, is faster than chickenpox. First five days: fever headache, back & muscle pain period. 3 days later: appearance of a rash on the face, palms, & feet. The next 10 days: a rash containing, small fluid, blisters, accompanied by crust
- The ichy rash on monkeypox is more extreme than chickenpox (flakly+blister skin and more horrible pus fluid)
- Monkeypox can cause comlications of other disease such as pneumonia, & even death😱
- There ia no vaccine yet
- Monkeypox will disappear for 14-21 days (longer than chickenpox)
- Be aware of advanced complication such as bacterial infection of the rash+cornea, bronkopneumonia, difficulty breathing, and encephalitis😱
-  Immediately wipe object or surfaces that are directly contacted by people who infected monkeypox with antiseptic fluid.

2. Characteristics of chickenpox
- Caused by varicella booster (VZV)
- Contagion: direct contact with someone who is infected though the patient is only coughing or sneezing (through the air)
-  Incubation period during 10-21 days (fever and itchy rash period)
- Chickenpox will disappear for 7-10 days
- Careful, rash can transmit the virus, especially the rash with the wound. Avoid direct contact
- There is a vaccine for prevention
- Be aware of advanced complication such as bacterial infection of the rash+cornea, bronkopneumonia, difficulty breathing, and encephalitis😱 (same as monkeypox)
- Immediately wipe object or surfaces that are directly contacted by people who infected chickenpox with antiseptic fluid
(Source: &

I have had chickenpox when I was around 5-7 years old. Maybe infected trough the air while playing in an unclean environment. Beginning with lever, lethargy, runny itching spot troughout the body. If the itchy spots are scratched, it will increase. My feeling at that time was body itching, wanting to scratch, limp, and want to stay in bed. Assisted with special powder, fever medication, and itching, I have recovered after a week of having chickenpox. But, there are advantages. Until I grow up, I don't need to be vaccinated and don't get chickenpox. Chickenpox acara when I grow up some are totally missing, but some are not (stain). 

How to prevent monkeypox and chickenpox?
Basically, preventive measure for both monkeypox and chickenpox are the same, what distinguish that the chickenpox has a vaccin and how to avoid the source of infection. How to prevent monkeypox and chickenpox?
1. Clean and healthy lifestyle
2. Wash hands with soap before eating
3. Avoid direct contact with the source of infection
4. Do not share personal items with sufferers such as towels, clothes, and even combs (source: https://hellosehatcom)
5. Use a mask if you forced to be in a non-sterile environment or source of infection
6. Good eating and drinking patterns
7. Get enough rest
8. Take time to exercise so that the immune system is stronger
9. Always pray to God to be given health and healthy environment too😇.

So this article was made, I apologize if there are shortcomings, and please give me a positive feedback. Please also come to my first blog (about animals, innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia) and third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link: 

Monday, May 6, 2019

How Fatigue can Cause Health Problems and Even Death

Working too long under high pressure without rest causes health problems such as stress, depression, fatigue, and even death. How it relates? If stress is not managed properly, it can lead to depression. If you have been depressed, then the chances of experiencing fatigue is even greater. If it is worsened by not enough sleeping at that night or before work  and eating carelessly, it can cause serious illness such as hearth attack, brain hemmorhage, and even sudden death😱. Not only works, but also play video games (when condition are not under pressure) all day without stopping can cause health problems and even sudden death. It happens because the body experience excessive fatigue and forced to work beyond its capabilities, so the body will protest in its own way such as illness and even sudden death. The researchers argue that hormones (kortisol and epinephrine) which is released when stressed+depressed contributes to hearth problems, especially for overtime workers. Another example, based on true story, I found of someone who was workaholic and likes heavy exercise in the same day. After being worked, he even exercised such as futsal with his friend. At night he felt his chess ache immedeately fell down. Not long after, he died because of hearth attack. Even tough he was an athletic posture and always adopt a healthy diet. One mistake that he could not measure his own's body ability, so the body would protest in its own way😱.

If you experience fatigue and keep working/exercise without resting, your hearth will work harder than usual. The exercise in question with high intensity (such as fitness, futsal, running, etc). In a state of fatigue and stress+depress condition, you should immediately rest or your hearth is in a dangerous condition. According to Medical Director from Stanford Cardiovascular Health, Alan Young, that someone who has a high level of stress will experience an increase in hearth rhytm and blood pressure (source: These conditions cause hearth problems, especially for someone who has history of hearth disease, even genetically.                                                     
(Source: Pikiran Rakyat Newspaper on April 24, 2019)

They Died from Exhaustion. Not Much Honorarium but Workload at Indonesian Simultaneous Election 2019 Exceeds the Ability of Election Officials, non-Stop without Enough Rest, Both Before, During, and After Duty. An inhuman Thing😪
There are times you have to endure too tiring work (include pro gamer which requires games all day). So, this is the solutions:
1. Eat healthy snacks in the middle of work
2. Drink water to avoid dehydration, avoid sugary and alcoholic drinks
3. Limit drinking tea, coffee, and caffeinated drinks. Excessive caffeine is not good for the hearth
4. Enough sleep before work (8 hours). Take a nap and massaged if body is tired
5. Provide eye drops for tired eyes
6. Breathe deeply when saturated
7. Don't work too seriously, slip smart humor and listen soothing music
8. Don't get stuck in the seat while working, move, walk, and light exercise occasionally
9. Request support from the family and other closest person. Not good if the problems is buried alone
10. Positive thinking
11. Consult a doctor if the body condition does not improve
12. Always remember worship and pray to God😇

Playing Online Games all Day without Rest & Forget to Eat Cause Sudden Death. Source: (Giant Low)
So this article was made, I apologize if there are shortcomings, and please give me a positive feedback. Please also come to my first blog (about animals, innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia) and third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link:

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Wrist Size: Genetic and Indicates Type + Body Health

The size of wrist usually indicates whether a person has a small or big bones. Wrist diameter and bone size was difficult to be changed because of genetic, unless it still growth period (male until 21 years old and female until 19 years old), of course assisted with certain sports, proper nutritions, and calcium intake. Someone with small wrists and bones such as the famous male actor Tobey Maguire or Tom Cruise will be difficult to have a thick body, but faster to have dry musles. They will be difficult to fat and look small. Small wrists and bones cannot be raised because they are genetic. So, if you have small wrists and bones, you have to outsmart it by raising your muscles arount the wrists (such as muscular fist) and forearms with certain sports such as fitness. According to an Indonesian Bodybuilder legend, Ade Rai, a person with small wrists and bones like him then practice in the gym can get dry muscles faster than other people with large wrists and bones. But, a person with small wrist and bones requires extra effort to thicken muscle mass. Focus on thickening musces first, then dry it.

Someone who is thin might look big due to big wrist and bone. So does someone looks fatter because of the same thing. For men, having big wrists and bones was a good thing. The posture will look more manly. Even if trained at the gym seriously, their bodies will look thick and muscular, but it difficult to dry the muscles. I think the profession such as security, police, army, actor, athlete, and bodyguard must have large wrist and bones😜. For the example: the famous male actor, Dwayne Johnson or NBA legend player, Shaquille O'Neal.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson (Left) & Shaquille O'Neal (Right). They have Big Wrist, Bones, & Muscles. Source:

The higher a person's posture is usually the greater the size of the wrist. But there is also tall and thin posture that have a smaller wrist size (and bone) than other shorter people or shorter people with ideal body but big wrist size (and bone) so it looks fat. Again the  main factor is genetic.

Measuring your wrist to determine your body frame size can help you develop ideal expectations of healthy weight spesific for your height and build. If you concerned about your weight as it relates to your body frame, consult a doctor to discuss how it might your health (source:

How the size of the wrist is called small? of course different the size of wrist between men and women. For men, the diameter of  small wrist is <7,87 inch or <20 cm. For women, the diameter of small wrist is <6,29 inch or <16 cm. Wrist diameter is one indicator to determine your body type, is included ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph, or body type mixture (for example endomorph+mesomorph at once).  
1. Ectomorph characteristic
- Small wrist+bones+wings muscles, 
- Little fat and difficult to fat 
- It difficult to form thick muscles, but easier to make dry and small muscles

2. Mesomorph characteristic
- The best body type, athlete's body (proporsional even though it has not been trained in the gym)
- Standar wrist+bones
- Fat+muscle level are right (ideal) 
- The weight of the body rise quickly, dropped quickly, but quickly formed to dry and thick muscles

3. Endomorph characteristic
- Big wrist+bones, look bigger than normal people in general, even though they might have the same weight
- It difficult to thin
- Body weight quickly raises but it difficult to go down, and fast to form thick muscles but difficult to dry it
- Bigger and rounder face
- The waist tends to be wide even parrallel to the cest
- Wide neck
- Looks giant
Source: https:

I have a small wrist diameter (7,48 inch or 19 cm). It was difficult to be enlarged because of genetic. So, I have to enlarge fist and forearm muscles with various training to balance it, both using tools (dumbbles, hand grip, bench press, etc) or without tools (push-up, pull-up, etc). According to my friend (a personal trainer), my actual body type was mesomorph but tendency to endomorph, mix between mesomorph and endomorph (strangely, my wrist diameter was small). So, I heve to be careful about my weight.

So this article was made, I apologize if there are shortcomings, and please give me a positive feedback. Please also come to my first blog (about animals, innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia) and third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link: