Friday, January 3, 2020

Groundwater Pollution: Characteristics, Causes, and Prevention

Happy new year friends, hopefully getting better and blessing going forwards. Aamiin🎊🎉😇. Ok friends, the topic of my blog in early 2020 was groundwater pollution. Groundwater pollution shows that water conditions are not good and if used by human it can endanger health. That's why the topic of this blog is still related to health. In addition, groundwater pollution has become a global issue that must be taken seriously because it has been proven to occur in many countries and results in lowering the quality of human life, causing illness, and even death.

There are many characteristics that indicate groundwater pollution:
1. Not clear, smelly, taste, and color
2. Does not have a cool temperature
3. Give rise to deposits
4. Contain high amounts of dissolved particles and heavy metals such as mercury, lead, nickel, and zinc. Heavy metal ions will partially accumulate in various organs, especially the digestive track, liver, and kidneys, so that they can damage the organs
5. Contain toxic substances like hydrocarbon compounds and detergents
6. Turbid water due to rust from iron pipes, mud, clay, and microorganism
7. The water feels rather salty due to the high salt content. This often happen in the area around the river mouth
8. There are pollutans in ground water. If it is feels bitter, the trigger can be iron, aluminium, manganese, sulfate, or lime in large quantities
9. Taste of soapy water. It is doe to alkali contamination. The source can be in the form of washing agents, such as detergents
10. Polluted by pathogenic bacteria (bacteria that cause disease) such as Eschericia colli (causes diarrhea and vomiting), Clostridium perfringens (cause of poison), and Salmonella (causes of typhus)

Cause polluted groundwater:
1. Infiltration of pollutant solution from the garbage bin through the process of washing by rain water
2. Leakage from household sewers, usually caused by septic tank designs that are not up to standard
3. Deposit of river waste that is not immediately addresed
4. Household chemical waste such as detergents that pool in the ground

Detergent Waste😱. Source:
5. Live around the industrial area allows many factories to dispose of their waste carelessly and this can reduce the quality of groundwater
6. Excessive use of ground water in short time without the process of returning water to the ground

Groundwater Contamination. Source: Environment Canada ->
Save groundwater quality with the following preventive measures:
1. Make biopori holes and infiltration Wells at home. Biopori holes cam help us expedite rainwater to seep into the ground

2. Reduce the use of washing detergent. Start washing clothes when they are covered so that less liquid waste is produced
3. Reduce the use of insecticides at home, remember these chemicalsmay stick to the ground and ilfiltrate it through train water. It's better if we use natural ways to repel insects, like eucalyptus oil, orange peel, and garlic
4. Start managing household waste. Separate waste can be decomposed (garbage left over from vegetables/fruits) and which cannot be decomposed (iron, plastic, styrofoam, and glass)
5. Planting trees in the home environment. The precense and green open space can help the absorption of water back into the ground. The existence of small garden is also important for filtering dirty air, reduce noise, preventing flooding and lack of water

Small Garden at My Home

6. Began to skimp on water use, especially during the dry season
7. Periodic maintenance of the pipes in the home, especially the septic tank sewer
(Source: Tabloid Rumah).

Thus the article I made. Health is not only related to human individuals, but also to environmental cleanliness, one of which is to maintain the quality of ground water. If the quality of ground water is good, it will affect the health of our bodies. For example: using groundwater  directly for bathing and undirectly/boiled water for drinking make instan noodles, and cook vegetables.

Please also come to my first blog (about animals, innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia) and third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link: 


  1. Great article. I think we must keep our environment if we want have quality life

  2. İnformative essay 😊 thanks for your sharing 😊

  3. Ground water pollution is a topic that concerns each and every person because we all live on this planet and we all need to drink water. As individuals we should do our best to avoid polluting and this is why I believe that your suggestions are crucial.

    1. thank you for the appreciation. Many people do not realize that the quality of ground water in their homes is not good. The important thing is that the water runs smoothly, whether the water is rusty or not. whereas ground water can affect human health

  4. Clean and manageable environment affect to our life.
    It is a great post to recognize unhealthy water and how to prevent it.

    Thanks for sharing.
    Happy New Year!

    1. You're very welcome & happy new year too. God bless you

  5. Buon anno.
    Mi dispiace perché non trovo il traduttore e purtroppo non capisco.

    1. il mio blog ha completato la traduzione di Google, ma per la visualizzazione del computer anziché per handphone. eh si, buon anno anche a te. Dio ti benedica

  6. Interessante post.
    Buona giornata.

  7. Estupendo post! Muchas gracias por tus bonitas palabras en mi blog , espero verte pronto por allí! Feliz año! 🎉🎊💓

  8. A great review indeed, thanks for sharing!

  9. May more people get careful about environment in 2020.
    Thanks for your visit to my blog.

  10. Ahhh, I teach about this in my university
    Especially related to waste

    I'm a lecturer of environmental health major ^^

    1. You are lecturer in enviromental health. Respect for you. Sometimes people who prioritizw technilogy forget the environment, so that there are many disasters such as floods. Your task is truly noble to provide education about enviromental health and protect nature

  11. estupenda información! Todo lo mejor para este año!�������� Espero verte pronto por mi blog! ������

    1. gracias por el aprecio, éxito para ti este año

  12. What a nice garden you have. It's so green and it also looks comfortable.
    I really hope more people can perform the biopori method. The peoblems of floods and landslides in our country will be deacreased if each of us cares to the environment we live in.

    1. Thanks. I agree..To prevent flooding starts from simple, have a small garden and guard it. even better if you make biopori. note that in flood-prone areas there is very little green open space. Water catchment areas are depleted by construction and rubbish everywhere. if we can protect nature, nature will be friendly with us

  13. Happy New Year, Vicky. You have an informative and well-researched blog post and thank you very much for sharing it with us.

    1. Happy new year to you too. Thx for your appreciation & success for your blog too

  14. ! Espero tu opinión en mi última entrada! Feliz noche! 💓💓💓

  15. Thanks for following me, I now follow you on all your 4 blogs - wow! :-D

    1. Thx for following all my blog. I'll follow all your blog too

  16. Polusi yg paling susah diatur adalah sampah.

    1. Apalagi sampah styrofoam & plastik, sulit terurai..

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  18. Yes, the condition of our waterways worldwide is a very real concern to all life. And this post draws our attention to it really well.
    Thank you so much!
    And thank you also for following my now following you here :))

    1. agree. Every person must pay attention to the surrounding environment, including the problem of ground water or if it will not get a disaster due to environmental damage. Thx for your appreciation and following

  19. Una entrada estupenda ! Gracias por la información! 👌👌👌 Me alegro verte por mi blog , espero verte por allí muy pronto! Feliz domingo! 💓💓💓

    1. gracias por el aprecio sigan visitando los blogs de los demás y tengan éxito en su blog

  20. I think Biopori holes is the effective and simple way to save our ground water.

  21. Here is my favourite BMI calculator. This calculator help you in calculating your health and fitness.

  22. Well, this makes me think of moving out of Jakarta and buy a house somewhere where the air is fresh and the water even fresher. Hmm ... I wonder where ...

    1. Good water and groundwater catchment areas are in Kalimantan and Papua. That's why the president wants to move the capital to East Kalimantan

  23. This is really informative and worth reading the post. Thanks for the valuable information. Keep sharing. Check also: Benefits of Rosewater .

    1. Thx for your appreciation and success for your web/blog

  24. Una entrada estupenda! Es un placer leerte! Espero tu opinión en mi reciente post! Feliz semana! 💗💗💗

  25. Muchas gracias por seguir mi blog, yo seguía hace mucho el tuyo! 🤗🤗🤗

  26. The sooner we learn to be healthy and to live gently on this beautiful planet the better for us all.

  27. memang ya masalah dimana2 tentang lingkungan, huhu
    sedih :(

    1. Betul, seringkali mmasalah lingkungan tidak diprioritaskan karena tidak menghasilkan uang yang besar. Padahal kalau lingkungan rusak, warga yang tinggal di daerah tersebut akan merasakan akibatnya

    2. Seringkali bisnis lebih diprioritaskan. Walau ada upaya untuk menyelesaikan masalah lingkungan itu prioritas sekian

  28. For some reason I cannot translate your other blogs into English - it doesn't seem to be an option.
    Which makes me sad, it seems you have a lot to say, and I have a lot to learn.

    1. Sorry, google translate on all my blogs is in web view, not mobile display. I have not been able to put Google translate on mobile display. Thx

  29. Estupenda información! Muchas gracias por tus bonitas palabras en mi reciente post! Que tengas feliz semana! 💗💗💗

    1. Gracias, el éxito siempre es para tu blog también

  30. Halaman rumahnya keren... asik pastinya klo rumah masih pny halaman kek gitu.

    btw biopori sebenarntya sederhana yah cmn mungkin belum tersosialisasi kepada masyarakat

    1. Thx pa, sebenarnya rumah saya kecil, hanya gede di halaman saja & jadi tempat mangkal kucing kompleks hehe... Betul pa, biopori masih kurang sosialisasi, padahal penting bagi pemilik rumah yang tidak ada tamannya sama sekali

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    1. Thank you for the appreciation. I am just trying to write articles that are viral and in accordance with the knowledge that I have. Success for you too

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    1. Gracias por la información y suerte para ti también


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3. Intend blogwalking and follow each other's blog as a means of friendship and to share the most simple knowledge/goodness. Hopefully blessings, Aamiin :)😇