Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Tips for Maintaining Mental Health in The Digital Era

World Mental Health Day is celebrated every year on October 10, exactly a month ago. This warning aims to increase public awareness and concern for the importance of mental health. Now we live in the digital era, where mental health problems are not only related to the real world, but also the virtual world. Everything must receive equal attention. However, for this article, I am only focusing on mental health in cyberspace.

Often we see information on social media or internet that is not balanced between positive and negative things. Of course, it would be useful to get positive information about new knowledge, new experiences, productive activities, something creative, and entertaining. On the other hand, your mind will get anxious, bored, stressed, wasting time, and gives rise to jealously if you see negative information, such as hoax, criminal news, hate speech, and flexing content. Therefore, for this reason, we must be wise in using social media. If you feel it is not useful, it is better to stop first.

Here tips for maintaing mental health in the digital era:

1. Strive for quality sleep. The ideal sleep for an adult is 5-8 hours a day. Don't be less or more. Before going to bed, make sure the lights are dim, the bed is comfortable, the air circulation is good & smells good, no mosquitos, gadgets are turned off, & you can set the alarm. Quality sleep is important, so that the body is healthy, fit, relax, & happy to welcome the next day. A good mood means good mental health 

2. Impose time restrictions, if necessary a day without social media excepts for work needs, learn new knowledge, important means of communication, & looking for more luck. Don't let our minds be filled with toxic content. This is often called social media detox

3. Limit interactions, respect the privacy of yourself & the others on social media. However, positive interactions in the real world are more important 

4. Reduce curiocity about people's lives because it can make us stressed & less grateful. It's better to find out our weaknesses and immedeately improve yourself

5. Adopt healthy lifestyle and be disciplined in prioriting activities. Play social media & internet only for things that are useful. Even if you are tired, you have to rest because you also have to maintain eye health

6. If you bored due to using gadget, try healing either alone, with family, or friends with the same hobby

7. Avoid excessively flexing posts. This only make us more arrogant, other people become jealous, curse, & may have bad intentions.  Also avoid making comments that provoke debate and anger in other people. Of course that's not good for mental health 

8. Avoid posting something that makes you bullied. Also avoid insulting other people's post. If you don't like it, just skip it

9. Stop following toxic, disrespectful, untrusted, and useless accounts

10. Increase worship or you can also do breathing exercises and meditation

11. Hang out with positive people and often remain them the wrong things 

12. If you steel feel anxious, and stressed due to the use of digital technology, contact a psychologist in the field.

Please also come to my first blog (about innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia), third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia), and fourth blog (about pets, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link: 

Blog 1: vickycahyagi.com

Blog 3: listrikvic.blogspot.com

Blog 4: petsvic.blogspot.com


  1. Mental health is no less important than physical health. Everyone's mental health is different. Likewise, each person's way of dealing with mental problems is different. Thx for sharing

    1. Agree. Sometimes there are people who are insensitive, like to compare, which can lead to resentment

  2. Muito úteis os seus conselhos. Gostei bastante. Grata!

  3. "Don't let our minds be filled with toxic content." Thank you for the reminder, my dear Vivcky. Have a great week.

  4. Querido amigo, muy importante tu post, la salud mental hay que cuidarla como cuidamos nuestra salud corporal.
    Un placer leer este post, gracias por compartirlo.
    Abrazos y te dejo un besito, que tengas un feliz día

    1. Gracias. Así es. La salud física y espiritual son igualmente importantes. Bueno, la salud mental también está relacionada con la salud espiritual.

  5. Bons e belos conselhos! Gostei! Um abraço!

  6. Gracias por los consejos. Te mando un beso.

  7. Kebanyakan emang kalo lihat postingan karir atau prestasi orang Di medsos yang kena mental wkwk

    1. Terkadang postingan pencapaian itu perlu untuk branding, tapi kalau sudah lebay mending diskip, kalau ga follow balik unfollow aja, kalau masih saling follow tinggal dibatasi. Apalagi kalau konten yang dibuat kurang ada manfaatnya, malah nambah dosa hehe...

  8. Kebanyakan emang kalo lihat postingan karir atau prestasi orang Di medsos yang kena mental wkwk

    1. Mereka haus akan pengakuan. Memang pengakuan itu memang penting asal tidak berlebihan dan mengundang iri dengki hehe...

  9. Kebanyakan emang kalo lihat postingan karir atau prestasi orang Di medsos yang kena mental wkwk

  10. uninstall socmes like instagram and facebook ap made me feel much better about life because i dont see other's life achievements, drama, etc :D

    1. Good idea. But sometimes social media is still needed to find luck and increase income

  11. aku pernah diposisi "menghilang sementara" dari sosmed, karena bosan wkatu itu, dan sadar diri soalnya waktu itu terlalu lama menatap layar sosmed sampe kerjaan utama kayak terbengkalai.

    Dan aku juga mulai sortir akun apa aja yang nggak perlu diikuti, apalagi kalau tayangannya nggak jelas dan jadi toxic juga ujung-ujungnya.

    menggunakan sosmed juga ada batasnya, untuk mencari ide, untuk berhubungan dengan temen lama misalnya

    1. Betul, Di era digital, medsos masih dibutuhkan untuk mencari peluang menambah cuan atau mencari inspirasi

  12. The digital age makes it very difficult for me to get away from social media. If you have opened social media, it's like you don't want to close it again, spending hours.

    1. That's right, social media and the internet are still needed to increase knowledge, communication, income and luck. Of course, a social media detox is necessary if you feel bored

  13. Addition to the above tips is that we should also manage our response to what happens outside our life, including in social media. Because that such things are beyond our control. It would be good and support our mental health if we focus on things we can control.

    1. Agree. Use social media and the internet only for something that is useful and also related to communication for the real world

  14. Semua poin aku setuju untuk jaga kesehatan mental kita, aku paling notice poin 9 ini pas banget lho. Salah satu pencetus negative vibes dalam diri kita salah satunya lingkungan, dengan siapa kita berinteraksi, akun yang apa yang kita baca, ini ngaruh juga ke mental health kita. So kurangi lihat akun toxic.

    1. Setuju. Terkadang pemilik akun toxic tidak menyadari bahwa konten yang dibuatnya tidak bermanfaat, malah menimbulkan dosa jariyah. Solusinya ya jangan difollow. Kalaupun masih saling follow demi saling menghargai, ya masuk setting untuk dibatasi interaksinya

  15. Dormir bem e se cercar de pessoas positivas, estas duas dicas já ajudam muito! Boa semana!

  16. Setuju banget, satu menjaga mental health di dunia sosmed adalah dengan unfollow akun toxic. Sosial media kadang bagus juga untuk menjaga kewarasan tapi harus dipilah pilih mana akun yang bagus untuk kita dan bermanfaat untuk hal yang positif

    1. Setuju. Jika masih saling follow namun kontennya kurang berkenan tinggal setting untuk dibatasi saja. Terkadang blokir juga perlu jika dirasa sangat mengganggu

  17. By advocating for mindful consumption of digital content and prioritizing personal well-being, it encourages a healthier, more balanced approach to living in a tech-driven world. The advice is timely and relevant, offering clear steps to reduce digital stress and foster mental wellness.


    1. Agreed. Everything must be arranged wisely. If you can't, it's better to stop first

  18. Querido Vicky, te deseo un feliz día, lleno de amor y felicidad.
    Abrazos y te dejo un beso mi querido amigo

  19. I like these tips. Reducing interactions with social media will also prevent us from excessive radiation

    1. Thank you. Interaction is only done if it is useful, there is positive feedback

  20. Querido amigo, valioso post, la salud física y espiritual merecen los mismos cuidados, porque si lo dejamos pasar puede llegar a ser demasiado tarde para tratarla, te felicito por tu post.
    Te dejo todo mi cariño y besos

  21. I confess that I have mental problems, so my first rule is to sleep well! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thx for sharing. I hope you can solve your health mental problem

  22. First of all, thank you for your visit and generous comment.

    Secondly, this post is really interesting and can be very useful for someone who has lost control of their actions, especially on an emotional level, which is the most dangerous.

    I see that you deal with very interesting topics.

    My best wishes and a warm hug, my friend.

    1. Thx for your appreciation. I think mental health. I think mental health is often overlooked and considered unimportant. But that is a big mistake.

  23. Querido Vicky, te deseo un feliz inicio de semana, con amor y felicidad.
    Abrazos y te dejo besitos

  24. Oh thanks for all these good tips about Mental Health
    Happy Holidays

  25. Gracias querido amigo por estar, te estoy agradecida siempre.
    Te dejo todo mi cariño y besos

  26. Mi querido amigo, gracias por estar.

    ╬══╬ Querido Amigo, Te deseo
    ╬══╬ Un hermoso fin de semana.
    ╬══╬ Los amigos son un remedio
    ╬══╬ a la soledad y el silencio,
    ╬══╬ son el descanso del alma
    ╬══╬ cuando la agitación de la vida
    ╬══╬ nos deja sin aliento
    ╬══╬ Dios te bendiga.
    ╬══╬ ★ FELIZ NAVIDAD★
    Un amigo es como una escalera al cielo

  27. Querido amigo

    •★´¨) Te dejo
    ¸.•☆¨) Cariños y besos
    (¸.•´ que tengas una Feliz Navidad
    `•. ) Que Dios te bendiga!!!
    ¤ .•) y llene de luz
    (.•´ Tú Vida`
    ★.¤ ´¨) ¤ .•´¸.•☆´¨) ¸.•★¨¨¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` ☆★.....☆★( `•.¤ `•.¸ ) ¤
    ___☆...*000000___000000 *...☆
    __★...*00000000_00000000 *...★
    __☆...*00000000000000000 *...☆
    ___★...*000000000000000 *...★
    _____☆...*00000000000 *...☆
    ________★...*00000 *...★
    _________☆...* 00 *...☆
    _________★...☆ 0 ☆... ★

  28. Querido Vicky, te deseo

    ┊   ★ FELIZ NAVIDAD ☆♥
    ☆┊ ♥ ABRAZOS Y BESITOS★☆┊♥
    ┊☆ ♥☆♥★ FELIZ ┊★ ☆ ♥
    ☆★ ┊ AÑO NUEVO!!! ┊★ ☆

  29. Querido amigo

    Te deseo. amor, paz y éxitos
    ♥ º° ♥`•.¸.•´ ♥ º° ♥ `•.¸.•´` ★
    ♥` ♥ º°♥Noemí ♥` ♥ º°♥★

  30. Querido amigo, te deseo con todo mi corazón
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` * ¸.•´¸.•*´¨)(¸.•´ (¸.•` * ¸.•´¸.•*´¨)
    ¡UN FELIZ AÑO 2025!
    ...........||...... ...
    ¡*Amor, Paz, Felicidad*!
    Abrazos y te dejo un besito, se Feliz
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` * ¸.•´¸.•*´¨)(¸.•´ (¸.•` * ¸.•´¸.•*´¨)

  31. Amigo, excelente consejos, te doy la razón.
    Gracias por pasar por mi blog.
    Un abrazo y buen comienzo de año

  32. Querido amigo, gracias por visitar mis blog, te estoy agradecida.
    Te dejo todo mi cariño y besos, que tengas días felices

  33. Saludos
    en esta época de la humanidad desafortunadamente mucho hay que hacer por la salud mental...muchos han perdido norte y sostén real en sus propias capacidades...se dejan llevar fácil por lo mediato y que nada es sustentable en el tiempo.
    Buenas recomnedaciones.
    Gracias por pasar a mi blog
    tengas una gran año 2025!

  34. Querido amigo, te deseo de todo corazón un hermoso día, se Feliz.
    Te dejo todo mi cariño y besitos

  35. Querido Vicky, que pases bellos días, se feliz amigo mío
    Abrazos y te dejo besitos

  36. Querido amigo, te deseo felicidad y días lleno de amor.
    Te dejo todo mi cariño y besos

  37. Excellent advice. Enjoy visiting your blog.


  38. Querido Vicky, paso a saludarte y desearte un feliz comienzo de semana, lleno de amor y felicidad.
    Abrazos y te dejo un besito ♥️

  39. Amigo mío, te dejo todo mi cariño y besos, se feliz, es mi deseo.

  40. Querido amigo, te deseo con todo mi corazón días lleno de felicidad.
    Te dejo todo mi cariño y besos ♥️

  41. Hello, I work with disabled children, I care about my well-being, it is necessary. Very interesting and helpful article. Greetings and thank you for visiting my blog. Have a nice March!


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