Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Monkeypox and Chickenpox, Similar but Not The Same

Pox is a viral skin disease, transmitted trough saliva splashes and direct contact. There are 3 types of pox: chickenpox, monkeypox, and shingles. But, in this article, I will only write about booming pox disease (monkeypox) and compared to pox that often occurs (chickenpox). 

in May 2019, The Singapore government has just announced that a Nigerian who came to Singapore was positive for monkeypox. The cause is that he consumed animal that has contracted the virus while in his home country. This raises alertness if we meet strangers from africa, especially central Africa and west africa although transmissions from human to human is very rare.

Why it called monkeypox, not Africanpox? because it's the name of the virus, called monkeypox virus or MPXV (source: www.idntimes.com). So, it's not the name of the vector animal, monkey😜. While the spread not only from monkey, but also mice, squirrel, and even cute animal: rabbit🐰. The history of monkeypox infection first occured in 1970 at Kongo, Central Africa. After that, it happened in the Americas and Europe (source: Robert Sinto, M.D.). Had disappeared then finally reappeared in 2019.

How about chickenpox? why it called chickenpox, not waterpox😜?  There is an old theory that the rash of pox looks like the peck marks caused by a chicken. But, it doesn't mean transmitted by chicken (source: Steven Dowshen, M.D.). Finally, that name was taken.

Monkeypox is similar to chickenpox but not the same. Both are caused by viruses with the different name. Monkeypox caused by MPXV, while chickenpox caused by varisella zoster or VZV. In addition, both of them have runny lumps, spread throughout the body, & more attacking children. The differences in detail will be explain below.

Source: jellygamatkapsul.com & jebatnews.com
1. Characteristics of monkeypox:
- Caused by monkeypox virus (MPXV)
- Contagion: direct contact with blood, body fluids, and wound to the skin from animals that infected the virus such as monkey, mice, squirrel, and rabbit
-  Incubation period during 5-21 days, is faster than chickenpox. First five days: fever headache, back & muscle pain period. 3 days later: appearance of a rash on the face, palms, & feet. The next 10 days: a rash containing, small fluid, blisters, accompanied by crust
- The ichy rash on monkeypox is more extreme than chickenpox (flakly+blister skin and more horrible pus fluid)
- Monkeypox can cause comlications of other disease such as pneumonia, & even death😱
- There ia no vaccine yet
- Monkeypox will disappear for 14-21 days (longer than chickenpox)
- Be aware of advanced complication such as bacterial infection of the rash+cornea, bronkopneumonia, difficulty breathing, and encephalitis😱
-  Immediately wipe object or surfaces that are directly contacted by people who infected monkeypox with antiseptic fluid.

2. Characteristics of chickenpox
- Caused by varicella booster (VZV)
- Contagion: direct contact with someone who is infected though the patient is only coughing or sneezing (through the air)
-  Incubation period during 10-21 days (fever and itchy rash period)
- Chickenpox will disappear for 7-10 days
- Careful, rash can transmit the virus, especially the rash with the wound. Avoid direct contact
- There is a vaccine for prevention
- Be aware of advanced complication such as bacterial infection of the rash+cornea, bronkopneumonia, difficulty breathing, and encephalitis😱 (same as monkeypox)
- Immediately wipe object or surfaces that are directly contacted by people who infected chickenpox with antiseptic fluid
(Source: www.tribunews.com & hellosehat.com).

I have had chickenpox when I was around 5-7 years old. Maybe infected trough the air while playing in an unclean environment. Beginning with lever, lethargy, runny itching spot troughout the body. If the itchy spots are scratched, it will increase. My feeling at that time was body itching, wanting to scratch, limp, and want to stay in bed. Assisted with special powder, fever medication, and itching, I have recovered after a week of having chickenpox. But, there are advantages. Until I grow up, I don't need to be vaccinated and don't get chickenpox. Chickenpox acara when I grow up some are totally missing, but some are not (stain). 

How to prevent monkeypox and chickenpox?
Basically, preventive measure for both monkeypox and chickenpox are the same, what distinguish that the chickenpox has a vaccin and how to avoid the source of infection. How to prevent monkeypox and chickenpox?
1. Clean and healthy lifestyle
2. Wash hands with soap before eating
3. Avoid direct contact with the source of infection
4. Do not share personal items with sufferers such as towels, clothes, and even combs (source: https://hellosehatcom)
5. Use a mask if you forced to be in a non-sterile environment or source of infection
6. Good eating and drinking patterns
7. Get enough rest
8. Take time to exercise so that the immune system is stronger
9. Always pray to God to be given health and healthy environment too😇.

Source: yourveganfallacyis.com
So this article was made, I apologize if there are shortcomings, and please give me a positive feedback. Please also come to my first blog (about animals, innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia) and third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link: 


  1. I see...
    thank you for sharing your useful info....

    1. You're welcome. Respect for the first comment from you. Thx

  2. I always encourage complete immunizations for individual so we can prevent the contagious diseases in the community (herd immunity).
    Pox vaccine or varicella vaccine need to be administered to children and also adults or elderly.

    Thanks for nice description about pox.

    1. Yes, that's good prevention. But There is no vaccine for monkeypox until know, so we must be careful if we meet stranger from Africa. Thx

  3. I haven't heard about monkeypox before, scary. Love your tips , especially that you also mentioned the importance of prayers:)

    1. Monkeypox was booming may 2019. But, but it first occurred 1970. Monkeypox is more dangerous than chickenpox because no vaccine for monkeypox. I think pray must become part of a life for our blessings. God bless us. Thx

  4. Post full of interesting informations :-)

  5. Cacar ternyata ada banyak jenisnya. Monketpox beritanya saya baca dari koran daring, ada pula yang membagikannya di media sosial. Seram juga.
    Gaya hidup yang akan menentukan bagaimana kesehatan kita, semoga kita tetap sehat dan dijauhkan dari penyakit berat. Aamiin.
    BTW, cara penyampaian Anda dalam English lebih baik secara gramatikanya. Ke depan saya harap semoga dalam penulisan bahasa Indonesia pun baik.
    Saya juga kala kecil pernah kena cacar air. Semoga anak saya tidak ikut sakit cacar air, Bimbang, apa memang semua anak kecil harus merasakan sakit cacar air dulu agar kelak imun dari cacar air dan dewasanya bisa tenang tidak dihinggapi cacar?

    1. Ralat: monkeypox. Duh, efek ngantuk malah salah ketik. Maaf.

    2. Terima kasih atas masukan atas blog ini & akan coba saya perbaiki. Monkeypox sumbernya dari Afrika Tengah, maka wajib waspada kalau ada orang asing maupun daging hewan seperti kelinci, & monyet yang berasal dari Afrika Tengah. Sementara bagi yang belum terkena cacar air, baiknya divaksin sejak dini, agar kebal dari cacar air. Tapi, mengingat ada efek sampingnya ya harus dikonsultasikan dengan dokter. Tapi yang sudah pernah menderita cacar air ga perlu divaksin lagi. Thx for sharing

    3. Ya, monkeypox (cacar monyet), itupun cara menulisnya disatukan, jadi kalau monkey pox kurang tepat :)

  6. I didn't know about monkeypox, I don't think I heard about it before.

    1. Monkeypox has been around since 1970, but returned viral in May 2019. Thx

  7. Apparently the difference between monkeypox and chicken pox. But still both of them make it uncomfortable because it directly affects the body. Fortunately, there are now many solutions and prevention that make the body more immune to these two diseases..

    1. Unfortunately for monkeypox there is no vaccine yet, so it must be aware of the source of infection and and the healing time is longer than chickenpox. Thx for sharing

  8. Estupenda información ! Te espero por mi blog! Feliz día! 😘😘😘

    1. Gracias por visitar y comentar en mi blog y esperar mi próxima visita

  9. Thanks a lot :D

    great info, my friend!
    I'm following you back :D

    InstagramFacebook Official PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  10. Nice info... Sebelumnya saya kurang paham monkeypox. Sekadar dengar saja. Ternyata ngeri juga.

    1. Ya, tapi banyak yang salah paham monkeypox itu akibat virus yang ditularkan hewan tidak sebatas monyet saja, tapi juga tikus, tupai, & kelinci. Thx for visiting on my blog

  11. I think monkeypox similar with chicken pox. Make me fear, 😀

    1. But in my opinion, monkeypox heals longer than chickenpox. Beside that, there is no vaccine for monkeypox. So, monkeypox is more dangerous than chickenpox. Thx for sharing

    2. Yeah, right. Now, chickenpox can be stopped with vaccine. I wish, next time we have vaccine for monkeypox. So, that's disease not dangerous again.

  12. Interesting post and info, thanks for sharing!
    Kisses, Paola.


  13. teringat kisah semasa di boarding school...seorang demi seorang terkena chickenpox dan sekolah hampir ditutup...

    1. Ngeri juga kalau kasusnya sudah massal begitu. Bagaimanapun, lingkungan sekolah yang tidak steril harus disterilkan terlebih dulu, kalau perlu diliburkan. Tapi memang kesalahan awalnya siswa tidak divaksin. Thx for sharing

  14. I like the idea of praying for health and a healthy environment.

    1. Thx. I think praying is the last problem solving. Without it, we will become arrogant people. Thx for sharing

  15. I don't think I've heard of monkeypox before!

    1. Monkeypox was old disease. It has been around since 1970, but returned viral in May 2019. Thx

  16. I nerver heard about that in my life!!


    1. Monkeypox was old disease. It has been around since 1970, but returned viral in May 2019. Thx for visiting on my blog

  17. I also have had chicken pox as a child. Another thing is that chicken pox often has an odor. It smells like wet chicken feathers

    1. So did I suffer from chickenpox as a child. but I don't pay much attention to the smell. that's probably why it's called chickenpox because of the smell too. Thx for sharing

  18. Interesting informations.
    Thanks for sharing.


  19. Wow learn so much from this post good to get this information out to the public. Thanks

  20. I just heard about this, almost big LOL during heard my mom explained that. Anyway you have that point, make people aware regading their health. Not too hard to figured it out. Thank you very much.

    1. The article that I made actually also to advise me also who had not fully carried out a healthy life. You're very welcome

  21. now i know where the monkeypox and chickenpox names from. thanks for all the great infos here.

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    1. Thx for your attention. Ok, I will see your latest article soon..

  23. I never had smallpox.
    I do not have much medical knowledge, but are there any vaccines for it ???

    1. I think both smallpox and chickenpox have a vaccine. But, there is no vaccine for monkeypox

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