Monday, August 8, 2022

International Cat Day: Having a Cat for Health and Mental Wellbeing

Today, August 8, we are celebrating International (World) Cat Day, so we have to respect their existence as an ecosystem that is beneficial to humans to. I want share the information that having a cat is good for health and mental wellbeing:

1. Reduce stress and anxiety

- Can cause the body to produce relaxing hormones, such as endorphins, that help lower your tension and anxiety levels

- Cultivate a positive mood

2. They can lower the risk of hearth disease and stroke

 - According to study published in the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, having a cat can reduce stress, thus reducing the risk of developing various hearth illness,  including stroke, by roughly 30 %

-  Of course, it's good to increase the body's immunity

3. They help prevent allergies (for children)

- The National Institutes of Health published a study in 2002 that indicated hildren under a year old who were esposed to a cat were less likely to have allergies of any sort, such as dust mites, ragweed, and grass

- Of course, cat hygiene must be maintained

4. Prevent loneliness and fear

- Cat behavior can make people forget they are alone at home

- Cats are believed to be animals that devils doesn't like

- Cats are animals that snakes hate, especially small snakes

5. Having a cat can foster social sensitivity

- We will appreciate the environment more

- We will increasingly realize that life interdependent in an ecosystem

- Practice caring for fellow human beings

6. As a part of charity good deeds

- Because cats is a creature created by God that must be taken care with the help of humans

- Good deeds return to us in uxpected conditions 

- As a part of gratitude to God.

I have two male cats pets, named Cowy and Bar-Bar. They are the type of domestic cat that rarely gets sick and is easy to manage. They are always bathed once a week. 

Ok, if you want to share other information about cat, please share in the comment column🙏🏻. Happy International Cat Day🐱.

Please also come to my first blog (about animals, innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia), third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia), and fourth blog (about pets, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link: 

Blog 1:

Blog 3:

Blog 4:


  1. Kuciingg binatang yang di sukai anak dan suami saya. Tapii tidak dengan emaknyaa, rempong pelihara kucing apalagi sering bepergian kaminya.
    Sukaa sih emak sama.kucing tapi yang ha suka bersih2 pup pee dan makannya.

  2. Olá, Vicky, minha filha e meu filho e minha nora têm gatos em suas casas, adoram, são carinhosos, companheiros, sensíveis a muitas coisas! Vivem muito felizes com seus bichinhos.
    Animais de estimação são muito comuns no Brasil, quebram a solidão, tornam a vida de seus donos mais alegre.
    Uma feliz semana pra você.

    1. Aceita. Animais de estimação podem ser companheiros solitários e uma boa terapia. Na Indonésia, há muitos amantes de gatos, mas também há muitos gatos abandonados. Talvez a comunidade ainda seja limitada

  3. I love cats.
    I have three cats.
    Have a nice day.

  4. At first I dont really convinced with cat as a therapy.. but then I saw my daughter took care of a stray cat and she looked better afterwards, I started to belive it

    1. extraordinary. Taking care of pets, especially cats, is a good psychological, and mental therapy. Of course it's also good for children to be taught to take care of cats. Thx for sharing

  5. Kucing malah bagus untuk mencegah alergi bagi anak-anak ya ... saya baru tahu. Tentunya orang tuanya harus rajin merawat kucingnya. Btw, sejak pandemi kelihatannya makin banyak yang memelihara kucing. Mungkin karena merasa tenang dan senang ya bermain dengan kucing.

    1. Betul. Tentunya dengan catatan kucingnya harus bersih, steril dan rajin dimandikan, kalau perlu digrooming hehe.. Bisa jadi dengan adanya pandemi, perlu aktivitas di rumah yang memberikan rasa betah dan mengusir jenuh, salah satunya memelihara kucing

  6. Memang bener banget ini, punya kucing memberi kebahagiaan buat pemiliknya, pikiran lagi sedih klo bermain sama kucing peliharaan rasa sedih jadi hilang

    1. Setuju. Apalagi jika di rumah sedang sendiri, itu terapi yang baik agar tidak kesepian. Mood booster juga jadinya

  7. What kind of vaccine should a cat have? There is a stray cat that I ussualy give food everyday. I want to adopt this cat.

    1. there are several vaccines for cats, but the most important thing in my opinion is the rabies vaccine, because this disease can be transmitted to humans too. The price of the vaccine is around 100 thousand rupiah

  8. Happy International Cat Day! I have 2 male domestic cats at home, they're always makes me less stress due to tasks deadline hehehe

    1. Good. In my opinion, keeping a male cat is not as easy as a female cat, especially when the breeding season arrives hehe.. Happy international cat day

  9. Nice share. Cat is a cute animal that can be a good friend even for a child. Of course we have to take care them with love so they can be a healthy and happy pet

    1. agree. Even taking good care of a cat will get a return to its owner and as charity too

  10. Olá, Vicky, ontem postei aqui meu comentário, deve ter ficado no spam!
    Uma boa continuação de semana!

  11. Txs for sharing about this. Nice..

  12. Banyak sekali manfaat memelihara kucing, bisa jadi teman juga dikala sepi, rumah jadi anti tikus..:D. salam kenal bang Vicky

    1. Betul. Bahkan bisa mengusir ular juga, karena ular benci kucing. Juga buat terapi🐱

  13. Gatos são muito comuns como animais de estimação; são companhia relaxante...

    SOL da Esteva

  14. Bela postagem. O gato é encantador.

  15. I have 2 cats, and i can assure this is all true

  16. Hi Vicky!
    Does your cat run away from home? Mine wants to go out every day. A concern because I already had a cat that went for a walk and never came back. This generates a lot of anxiety :D

    1. Usually the cat who likes to run away is a male type, because he wants to get a female cat to have to be willing to part with his master. Try to give the best and varied cat food to make you feel at home

  17. I have a cat and I love my little cat

  18. Great info for the cat owner. Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a great new week!

  19. Hola Vicky! Nosotros tenemos un gato color canela que tiene ya 14 años. Gracias por tu visita.


  20. I love dogs and also cats! and a lot!!!
    A hug from Spain

    1. Great. We have same hobby, likes pets. Warm greetings from Indonesia

  21. Hola Vicky
    Creo que lo primero que deben saber quienes se deciden a tener mascotas en casa es que conlleva una gran responsabilidad, que no son juguetes que estén hechos para nuestro uso y disfrute porque hay mucha gente que se confunde desde su visión humana "superior".
    Gracias por tu visita, encantada de leerte

    1. Aceptar. Hay una responsabilidad hacia el animal y también ante Dios más tarde, si se registrará como una buena acción o no.

  22. I have a dog, but he acts like a cat, most of the time :))).
    Thank you for visiting and following my blog!
    Have a great week! :)

    1. Wow, unique and cute dog. Always support each other Thx

  23. Boa noite, Vicky, eu só consigo traduzir esse seu blog, os outros não traduz!!
    Tenha um bom fim de semana!

    1. Obrigada. As legendas estão disponíveis na visualização móvel, mas às vezes são difíceis de abrir na visualização do computador

  24. Nunca vivi sem ter por perto esse silencioso amigo! Adoro gatos. Aqui está comigo, já com quinze anos. Bom dia

    1. É incrível, você também gosta de gatos, o companheiro perfeito em momentos de solidão. Atenciosamente

  25. Interesting article 👏 Really non-obvious facts about cats

  26. Hola, Vicky, Que estupendo texto, me gustan los gatos tengo uno que lleva 8 años conmigo. A veces doy de comer a algunos que deambulan por la calle.
    La gente los acoge de recién, luego los olvida. Gracias por compartir esta interesante entrada.
    Bonito blog. Buenas noches. Y se feliz.

    1. es increíble, has tenido un gato durante tanto tiempo, por supuesto que hace que el ambiente sea animado.

  27. Buon Natale a te e a tutti coloro che porti nel cuore.

  28. Hello Vicky!
    I have an orange cat, he is so beautifulll he is purrrfect! i love him so much!
    Warm greetings.

  29. 🐱♡✨( ꈍᴗꈍ)🎀 Have a wonderful sunday, dear Vicky! 🐱♡✨( ꈍᴗꈍ)🎀

  30. Ich habe 1 Hund und 4 Katzen und zum Glück kommen sie fast die ganze Zeit miteinander gut aus! Grüße, Janina

    1. Die interessante Kompaktheit Ihres Hundes und Ihrer Katze kann in einem Blogartikel beschrieben werden


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