Friday, May 1, 2020

How to Overcome Pollution from Medical Mask Waste

Medical mask become a necessity during current conditions due to corona outbreaks. New problems arise when the disposable medical mask that have been used are thrown away discarded cause pollution. I'm afraid that the disposable medical mask is misused such as if it was reused after washing or recycled for resale at a cheaper price😱. This is also applies to other disposable medical items such as personal protective medical clothing (likes astronaut), medical gloves, injections, expired chemical drugs, unsterile tissue, and other personal pretective medical devices.

Some steps to overcome pollution from medical mask waste:
1. The government should provide special bins for medical mask and the like in the public areas to increase public awareness about medical waste that is different domestic waste

2. Cut out disposable masks to avoid being misused

3. Medical waste must be separated in covered plastic (leakproof) and then put in a closed container to be sent to the waste disposal company. Don't mix it with domestic waste

4. In the garbage container there should be written infectious waste

5, Destruction by burning using incinerators operated by health service facilities or licensed medical waste processing services

6. Incinerator has a combustion chamber with a minimun temperature of 800 degrees celsius

7. Be careful if there is radioactive medical waste, it is better to separate, because the handling is different

8. For medical waste processing workers must be equipped with personal protective equipment

9. Not all medical waste is disposed of. There can be used as bricks for energy sources in the production

The Disposable Medical Mask. Before being Discarded, It Must be Cut and Torn So It is Not Misused

The government must act as a regulator and coordinator to overcome with medical waste. The government must coordinate medical waste processing workers, domestic waste processing workers, waste disposal company, incinerator company, and local residents is need so that medical waste is not mix with domestic waste. If it gets mixes up, it is feared that transmission of the virus will occur. Not only that, the government must cooperate with researchers to utilize medical waste into something useful, like alternative energy resources. Finally, we hope that the corona virus will disappear😇.

Please also come to my first blog (about animals, innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia), third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia), and fourth blog (about pets, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link: 


  1. Thanks for your sharing... #stayhealty

  2. Un post davvero utile e interessante da leggere. Anche da noi si vedono gettate in terra mascherine contaminate, diventa davvero un grosso problema. Grazie e buona giornata.

    1. grazie molte persone hanno ancora torto quando smaltiscono rifiuti sanitari, come le maschere. almeno un taglio minimo per non essere utilizzato in modo improprio

  3. Grazie infinite per questo utile post.
    In questi giorni abbiamo purtroppo visto guanti e mascherine gettati in maniera indiscriminata anche per strada o nei giardini, mentre invece andrebbero smaltite correttamente.

    1. davvero triste. mancanza di istruzione o ingredienti limitati. Sicuramente non dovrebbe succedere di nuovo perché potrebbe diventare un nuovo contagio

  4. A great review indeed, thanks for sharing!

  5. Thank you. I found this very interesting. We were told that only front line workers needed masks, and they were in short supply so I have not been wearing them. I do hope that the hospital workers have appropriate disposal systems available.
    Stay well, stay healthy.

    1. agree, there are concerns some hospitals are not implementing standard medical waste disposal procedures considering they focus on corona patient care and are feared to be a source of new transmission. This is a lesson for the existence of hospitals to pay attention to the number of local residents so that the ratio is appropriate. Stay safe and healthy

  6. I think we will soon have to wear masks in Public in Scotland.

    1. of course. Mask not only for sick people buat also health people if we go outside. Stay safe and healthy

  7. Great post ! Thanks for sharing! Stay safe! 🙏🙏🙏

    1. You're welcome. You too, stay safe and healthy

  8. Very interesting article!
    Thank you for visiting and following!
    I am follow you back!
    Stay safe!

  9. Great thoughts! Wishing the competent persons can take action about the problem of disposable face masks.
    They will affect our environment.

    Stay healthy!

    1. Thanks. simple actions to save the environment if done by many people will have a big impact in the future

  10. Thanks for the info. It's great to hear how others are dealing with the pandemic. Stay safe and take care.

    1. You're quite welcome. Simple act to reduce the pollution. Stay safe & healthy

  11. very true, medical mask waste must have a special trash bin. If I personally use disposable medical masks, I will tear them up so that they are not used by irresponsible persons

    1. Yes, because of that the entry of garbage and medical waste so that the handling should not be mixed with domestic waste. If put together, worry there are new problems, including transmission of the virus

  12. with all the excessive usage of masks, the timing couldn't be more perfect. It's nice to see someone being concerned of this particular environmental issue.

    1. Thanks. This is actually a simple action. But if you do a lot of people will have a big impact. Especially if the government has a special program for processing medical waste

  13. Una buona serata e un felice venerdi a te.

    1. Buona notte anche a te. Sempre successo per il tuo blog e prenditi cura della tua salute

  14. thanks for all the tips about some step to overcome pollution from medical mask waste, it will be useful for us and I hope this pandemic will be over soon and it will be back to the normal condition. thanks for your sharing, stay safe and take care for all

    1. You're very welcome. it is just a simple step, hopefully it is even better in processing medical waste. You too, stay safe and healthy

  15. Saya pakai bahasa Indonesia saja ya Mas Vicky hehe, bahasa Inggris saya sudah kacau belau, bisa ngerti gambaran tulisan ini tapi kalo komen sulit ....

    Selama ini gak ngeh ya kalo masker medis itu sebaiknya digunting dulu sebelum dibuang supaya tidak dipergunakan lagi, kemarin ada masker bekas, saya buang begitu saja. Terima kasih sudah mengingatkan.

    1. ga masalah, saya juga masih dibantu google translate, ada yang komen bahasa inggris, italia, rusia, spanyol siap kan ada google translate, asal jangan bahasa Arab, google translate pun nyerah hehe.. Betul samoah masker medis harus digunting sebelum dibuang, karena bisa saja diambil orang lalu hanya dicuci dan dijemur, lalu digunakan kembali atau lebih parahnya untuk dijual kembali. Kalau hanya untuk individu ga masalah, ini kan khawatir menulari yang lain

  16. wow... saya kurang pede nih Pak nulis artikel dalam bahasa inggris, padahal guru bahasa inggris... 😁😁😁😁 salah sedikit saja "wah masak gurunya ajaa salah..." hehehe but, I'll try it. thank you for being good model especially for me😁😁😁 thank you for sharing, maybe, cloth face masks is one of solution, right?

    1. Wah kalau guru bahasa Inggris sudah lebih mahir dari saya, terutama berbicara bahasa Inggris di depan murid atau juga orang bule hehe...
      Agree, but specifically medical personnel, cloth masks are not recommended, because more viruses and bacteria in hospitals. and even then it was still missed by medical personnel contracting corona

  17. terima kasih untuk informasinya, sangat bermanfaat sekali. Jadi harus mulai memotong masker yang tidak terpakai lagi, supaya tidak dapat dipergunakan lagi

    1. Betul, khawatir disalahgunakan, entah itu digunakan kembali maupun dijual

  18. Thank your information and stay safe

    1. You're welcome. You too, stay safe and healthy

  19. I'm afraid our society is not aware of these things.
    we know that most of our people haven't sorted household waste properly, mas ��

    1. right, sometimes organic and inorganic waste is mixed just like that. especially medical waste

  20. Aduuuh mas Vicky, maaf saya gak bisa komen pake bahasa inggris. Bacanya aja udah pusing apalagi kalo ngomong ya. Hihihii...

    Tapi bagus juga nih informasinya. Jadi setelah kita menggunakan masker sebaiknya dibuang pada tempatnya dan dibuang jangan keadaan masih utuh.

    1. Gpp bahasa Indonesia juga hehe.. Memang edukasi tentang sampah medis masih jarang, termasuk sampah masker

  21. Artikel keren! Kemarin siapa yang peduli soal masker ini, tapi sekarang banyak yang memakainya, jadi memang perlu perhatian lebih soal bagaimana mengelola/memperlakukan masker bekas. Makasih udah share.
    Btw blognya banyak. Hebat ya!😊

    1. Betul, ini kaitannya dengan kesehatan dan lingkungan juga. Masih banyak yang abai akan hal ini. Untuk saat ini 4 blog cukup lah, ribet juga hehe.... Kalau ada ide dan juga topiknya lagi viral biasanya dibuat artikel. Semoga bermanfaat

  22. Nice share bro. Thanks for your info. Stay at home n stay safe ya 😊

  23. Sebetulnya bukan pemerintah sih yang kudu nyiapin tempat sampah B#. Justru kita yang seharusnya bijak saat memilih masker dan tau gunanya seperti apa dan sesudahnya harus bagaimana. Kadang kita suka lebay pengen beli yang terbaik tapi tidak bertanggung jawab saat penggunaannya.

    1. Pemerintah kita sudah cukup pusing mengatasi wabah korona, PSBB, pasien, ekonomi penduduk, yang tentunya menguras anggaran negara. Sepertinya pengolahan sampah medis bukan prioritas

  24. Kereeenn nih pak blognya. Saya mau baca ah dari awal apa aja isinya. Maaf ya saya komen dalam Bahasa Indonesia, hehehe. Ga pede gitu mau nulis Inggris. Oya, sya pernah diajarin teman, kalau mau buang masker apapun jenisnya lebih baik digunting agar tidak disalahgunakan. Sya pikir ada benarnya juga ya.

    1. Saya juga ga mahir-mahir amat, hanya ada google translate aja jadi percaya diri hehe.. Betul, sampah masker medis harus digunting dulu sebelum dibuang takut disalahgunakan

  25. Pakai bahasa Indonesia saya komentarnya ya mas Vicky, rempong bolak balik ke google translate, hihihi
    Oh yah, masker sekarang seakan sudah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan kita sehari-hari, padahal dulu masker adalah benda yang tak penting terutama oleh orang-orang yang merasa sehat. Karena pentingnya, maka manusia berlaku tidak adil, yg harusnya dibuang ini malah diambil dan dijual lagi.

    1. Betul, masker sebagai pencegahan awal yang paling baik. Tapi ada sampah masker medis sekali pakai harus sebelum dibuang harus digunting dulu

  26. This is yet another problem that this pandemic has brought upon us. I haven't noticed mask waste around, here in northern Italy people are pretty educated and self aware and do the separate collection of garbage. That being said I have never imagined that someone could take the disposable masks from garbage and reseale them. It is terrible. OMG, I will certainly cut into pieces those masks after using them but for the moment we bought some washable masks and we are better this way.

    1. Italy, including countries that pay enough attention to cleanliness and medical waste. but of course we have to be on the lookout for disposable medical mask waste is recycled and resold, given the unfavorable economic situation. Stay safe and healthy

  27. Wah, iya nih. Terusterang selama ini saya gak pernah kepikiran cara membuang masker bekas pakai. Sepertinya masalah ini perlu lebih disosialisasikan.

    1. Mungkin di perkotaan sosialisasi ini cukup baik, tapi yang di pedesaan ini ditambah masih banyak orang ngeyel, seperti males pakai masker. Agak khawatir juga masker yang dibuang tersebut malah disalahgunakan

  28. Nah, maka dari itu, aku lebih suka pakai masker kain nih, selain lebih hemat juga, hehehe sebel ya msh ada aja org jahat

    1. Masker kain paling simpel dan kekinian juga, cuma tidak sekuat masker medis. Orang jahat dan licik selalu saja memanfaatkan momen demi kepentingan pribadi

    2. Ada kejahatan karena ada peluang dan kepepet. Beda dengan pengusaha kepepet jadinya kreatif, kalau penjahat kepepet jadinya licik hehe..

  29. Nice post sharing here,=. Amazing blog. Very informative.
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  30. Great and informative post. Thank you for sharing.

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  31. cara saya, saya akan gunting mask bagi mengelak di recycle oleh pihak yang tidak bertanggungjawab sebelum menjualnya. saya akan masukkan dengan barangan plastic then hantar ke pusat recycle. sangat sedih melihat kawasan sekitar dipenuhi mask terpakai... tiada kesedaran sivik langsung!

    1. Setuju. Ironisnya di sini sampah masker tanpa digunting dan dibuang sembarangan, bahkan ada yang dibuang ke pinggir jalan dan di atas tanaman, mengganggu keindahan kota

  32. Salam kenal dari malaysia. follow disini ya :)

  33. Interesting post. Thank you for sharing.

    New Post -

  34. Gracias por al información y tienes toda la razón. Te mando un beso

  35. Sedih sih ya masih banyak yang buang masker sembarangan :( Tapi di sini memang belum terlalu jelas sih, tempat sampah saja seringnya cuma 1 biji dan dipakai buang segala macam disatukan. Sampai detik ini aja aku masih bingung lho kalau buang pembalut itu kemana. Soalnya katanya sulit didaur ulang, huhu *jadi curhat

    1. Benar. Tempat sampah semuanya disatukan. Organik maupun anorganik kadang kecampur hehehe. Bener juga itu sampah pembalut dan juga popok bayi, selama ini kan dibungkus kresek lalu dibuang begitu saja. Perlu dibikin artikelnya

  36. Thank you for sharing.

    New Post -

  37. Hope it will spon be over, stay safe and healthy everyone!

  38. sekarang ada sampah yang baharu tercipta iaitu pelitup muka atau facemask..

    kalau ada yang bertanggungjawab ia tidak akan menjadi masalah

    1. Edukasi tentang sampah limbah masker ini masih kurang, padahal penting agar tidak disalahgunakan

  39. One of the domino effect of Covid-19. We hope there is a smart solution for the case

    1. agree, at least we have to hold back the activities that invite the crowd until a vaccine is found. Thx

  40. Replies
    1. Belum ada ide lagi untuk blog bahasa inggris hehe... Tapi kalau sudah ada ide, mood ok, dan topiknya lagi viral juga, biasanya saya semangat menulis artikel bahasa Inggris lagi. Thx

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  42. I agreed that medical mask shoud be disposed properly

    1. yes, it's part of an effort to keep the environment clean and health

  43. yang palimg miris banyak tetangga rumah nggak bisa beli masker jadi kalau nemu masker di TP yang diambil dan diwash lalu dipakaikembali

    1. Astaghfirullah, sampai segitunya akibat kesulitan ekonomi di saat pandemi korona. Padahal itu sama saja memakai barang kedaluwarsa. Kita ga tau ada virus atau kuman lain menempel walau sudah dicuci. Di sini memang pihak RT setempat harus lebih peka kalau ada warganya yang kesulitan ekonomi

    2. Ini harus menjadi perhatian RT setempat kalau warganya ada yang seperti itu

  44. Berarti masker medis sebaiknya dipotong dulu sebelum dibuang agar tidak disalahgunakan ya pak, soalnya bahaya kalo dipungut terus dibersihkan lalu dijual lagi.

    1. Betul. Ada kekhawatiran disalahgunakan kalau tidak dipotong. Sudah jelas itu sampah, dibersihkan pun masih belum steril dan menjadi racun bagi penggunanya

  45. This is what situation demands alright.

  46. Your article covers many important points

  47. Thank you very much for your visit to my blog, Vicky. You make very important points. I see masks lying on the ground and have wondered about all the masks having to be disposed of.

    1. You're very welcome. it takes personal awareness and strong government policies to tackle mask waste

  48. thanks for sharing! I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!!!! 🎄🎄🎄

  49. A really great...and! I see these discarded masks everywhere in our streets here, and I find it so annoying that people can be so careless, when we are already the most infected nation in the world!
    I hope many people will take notice of your advice here!
    Thank you so much for sharing.👍👍

    1. the key is awareness of oneself, reminding each other, and also adequate facilities are available to deal with this waste. You're very welcome and have a nice weekend

  50. I do hope that the vaccines become more widely available and that we return to a much more relaxed state.

    1. That's right. Provision of quality and safe vaccines is needed by all residents

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