Thursday, January 7, 2021

Health Business during The Corona Pandemic: between Opportunity and Humanity

Happy new year 2021 friends🥳. Hopefully the corona pandemic will end soon, the future will be better and more blessed. Aamiin. This blog article is the opening blog article early 2021. Hope it is useful.


The corona pandemic condition becomes a kind of business opportunity in the health sector. Includes: 

1. Free medicine

2. Herbal medicine

3. Medical devices (such as masks, thermometers, disinfectants, hand sanitizer, personal protective equipments, etc)  

4. Diagnostic test

5. Health supplements to increase body immunity

6. Lodging business for corona victims

7. Medical waste processing

8. Home fitness equipment to avoid exercising in the crowd

9. The corona vaccine

This business will increase in the past two years considering that many people are increasingly concerned about health, want to increase their immunity, and those who are infected with the corona want to get well soon.

I have read that there is a competition for the procurement of the corona vaccine. It turns out that nearly 200 companies are trying to develop a vaccine. They are competing to be the first with high benefits and safe to use. Originally, Sinovac vaccine seemed to be superior and has met the results of the phase three clinical trial. Not long after, RNA Pfizer, and Moderna vaccines also completed phase three clinical trials. All three are considered effective and competitive price. Even from the vaccine development efforts, the shares of the three companies increased.

The corona vaccine has become an urgent public need, it should put aside business interests and also politics. However, business must still exist for the continuation of the corona vaccine effort going forward, but it is not priority. Humanity must be the top priority. World Health Organization (WHO) has planned that the corona vaccine can be enjoyed by all countries, not just rich countries. They are pooling funds and expertise to provide vaccines to about 20 percent of the poor in financed countries. The subsidized corona vaccine price is only US$ 2, much cheaper than the price of the corona vaccine in the market around US$ 5-10. 


The  government cannot walk alone to carry out this vaccination program. The realistic possibility is to invite the private sector to participate. So, in the future some will be subsidized by the government and some will pay the private sector through this private sector. Of course everything is under government control.

Governments in various countries have agreed on the priorities for receiving the corona vaccine must be 18-59 years old, with professional priorities:

1. Vanguard group: medical officers, paramedic, nurse, police, army, Legal Officers

2. Religious/community leaders and regional, neighborhood, hamlet, and sub-district apparatus

3. Educators from all levels

4.  Government apparatus in general

5. Other communities aged 18 to 59 years old and eligible 

*especially children and the ederly should wait for clinical trials

(Source: Kompas Newspaper, and

The conclusion 

1. During the corona pandemic, the health business is increasingly prospective, but must pay attention to business ethics considering that is a business in the midst of a disaster and many people have lost their jobs

2. This business is closely related to human values. So, don't take too much profit, especially hoarding items that could violate the law

3. There needs to be cooperation between the government and the private sector regarding business boundaries

4. According to WHO, vaccines cannot serve political interests. The state makes a big mistake in making vaccines a political instrument, it is tantamount to wanting the country to be destroyed according to an international community. Unlike weapons, they can be used as political instruments. But, vaccines can be used as the prestige and achievement of a country.

Please also come to my first blog (about animals, innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia), third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia), and fourth blog (about pets, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link: 


  1. Happy New Year to you :-D

    Yes let's hope it is over soon!

    1. Happy new year to you too. The same hope. Aamiin

  2. Interesante articulo. Buen año y buen fin de semana

  3. A great review indeed, thanks for sharing!

  4. Happy New Year 2021, Vicky!
    I am also hoping this year is better year, and we will able to solve the problems, reach the goals and resolutions that we have faced since last year!
    Be good and stay healthy!

    1. Happy new year to you too. The same hope, this year must better. Stay safe and healthy

  5. This pandemic has definetly chenged our lives. I know many bussiness have closed or are in serious distress and many people lost their jobs. Just as you said, health care system had a somewhat growth in order to cover needs and shortages. Where I work many other persons have been hired and I am not talking only about medical personnel, doctors and nurses but also administrative personnel like me. Your company hired and trained dozen of persons to help us cover the need of health assistency as scheduling, recording and systematization of medical examinations, tampons, organizing patients to comply with the rules of distance and safety for patients and countless other operations required in this phase. A few weeks ago I was talking with one of the new colleagues that told me that this pandemic brought to her more positive things than negative ones because she finally found a job and wearned money to finish her studies. Obviously she is not glad it happened, but as she said we should not concentrate only on the dark side of the matter but we should also notice the positive aspects in it.
    That being said, I wish you a Happy New Year and stay safe and healthy!

    1. Thx and respect for your long and smart opinion. There is always wisdom behind disaster and those who take opportunities in business by taking advantage of the situation. but ideally in the conditions of the corona pandemic, the health business still prioritizes humanity. Think of it as alms for many people. Happy new year to you too. Stay safe and healthy

    2. Things are thought in this way and they should be that way, that being said since we are humans and we are fickle, not always things are applied to the perfection. I see good progress for now and hope soon all this will end.
      Stay healthy and safe too!

    3. right. it takes time to equalize perceptions in dealing with the corona pandemic. the global case requires cooperation between countries

  6. Done. Always support each other. Happy new year to you

  7. Hello!! a really interesting post, thanks for sharing. I'm following you now.


    1. You're very welcome. Always support each other 🔥

  8. the pandemic make us must think a lot. there are many oportunities new jobs, but also many people who lost their jobs...

    1. right. but losing a job is much more than getting a business opportunity. It's sad to hear that many good people have become bad because of the frustration of losing their jobs. Of course, those who are able must help the weak

  9. Benar sekali pak, bisnis yang cukup berkembang disaat pandemi adalah kesehatan. Tetapi harus tetap diingat untuk tidak memanfaatkan bencana guna mendapatkan keuntungan yang besar. Harus tetap bijak dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. Sebab ini juga berkaitan dengan masalah kemanusiaan

    1. Kasus oknum penimbun masker setidaknya menjadi pelajaran bagi pelaku bisnis yang di pikirannya cuma ingin untung cepat. Akhirnya, hanya sumpah serapah dan doa dari orang terzalimi yang di dapat. Ujung-ujungnya malah dipenjara dan tidak dipercaya lagi. Apalagi kalau bisnis dikaitkan dengan kemanusiaan juga

  10. Hopefully the pandemic era will end soon. It is a shame how some exploit this condition to gain more money

    1. The same hope. Aamiin. There are entrepreneurs who only have money in mind without thinking about the human side. It's a result of being selfish and greedy

  11. Happy new year, semoga tahun 2021 ini coronanya segera teratasi. Lelah juga ya menghadapi pandemi yg gak selesai-selesai.

    1. Happy new year to you too. Di luar dugaan virus Corona bermutasi, jumlah korban kembali naik. Padahal banyak yang meyakini Januari 2021 mulai mereda setelah vaksin diberikan. Sepertinya harus lebih bersabar lagi karena virus Corona masih ganas

    2. *Dulu pun ada pandemi serupa seperti ini, baru berakhir sekitar 2 tahun

  12. Glad that health business in pandemy still increase, its give a hope for new invention of medicine, but i think they should lower the cost in order to humanity

    1. Agree. for that we need cooperation between the government, the private sector, and humanitarian agencies, both local and international. After all humanity is first

  13. useful tips....thanks for sharing.

    Happy healthy new year.

  14. hope, everything goes well this year.
    Have a great day

  15. The more vaccine has been invented, the more people will be cured. I think is good. It would be a dangerous if only one company can invented or created the vaccine. It could caused monopoly and it's not a good idea. In a monopoly market, the seller faces no competition, so he could play with the price. Hopefully all human kind will be saved from this pandemic.

    1. smart and critical comment. If vaccines are monopolized, there is a concern that there will be price games. The losers are the poor and the poor, who have no power. Monopoly only benefits the strong. The solution must be competition and competitors

  16. hope pandemic is over soon ya kak Vicky, so we can life normally as previous. we can mingling with all people safely. going to anywhere with comfortable. but we can see the other positive impact in this pandemic, many sector business growing up specially in healty business, we more understand about digital literacy, help us build genuine relationship, education become digitized, and many more

    1. agree. The health business as well as digital businesses such as the zoom application have actually increased during the corona pandemic. Certainly an opportunity for us to take advantage of it. Stay safe and healthy

  17. Thank you very much for writing this opinion, I personally agreed with your point of view, we should take human as a first priority and discarded all of things such as politics and commercial views.. the problem is making vaccines needs money and lots of effort

    1. Thanks. Seeking profit is permissible because the capital is large but it is reasonable and is not monopolized. The human factor remains the main one

  18. Keadaan tidak atau belum baik. Jumlah korban terus bertambah, nilai kesembuhan dan kematian masih menjadi bagian dari statistika kanal berita. Bahkan di kota kecil karena asal dari yang merantau ke kota besar demi rezeki.

    Kita hidup dengan risiko, semoga bumi lekas pulih dari virus semacam itu. Jadi ingat film yang suram mengenai virus. Sisi gelapnya cenderung dibidik dalam kekacauan akbar.

    Semoga masa sulit ini usai. Ada vaksin yang benar-benar aman dan halal untuk menjadi bagian dari imunisasi nasional.
    Masih banyak yang skeptis mengenai iru tetapi kita harus berpegang pada harapan.

    Selamat tahun baru, semoga harapan yang kita pegang tidak rapuh. Sehat selalu bersama keluarga. Aamiin.

    1. Terima kasih atas opininya yang panjang dan kritis. Saya baca di koran jumlah pasien covid19 setelah libur tahun baru malah meningkat. Belum lagi bangsa ini sedang menghadapi berbagai bencana lain yang lengkap, mulai dari darat, air, dan udara Tentunya ini menjadi kewaspadaan agar menahan ego untuk berkerumun, nongkrong, reunian, atau apapun namanya, serta berempati. Sekarang virus korona bermutasi. Sementara vaksin masih terbatas dibandingkan jumlah penduduk. Bisnis kesehatan pun harus memprioritaskan kemanusiaan walau tetap diharuskan mencari keuntungan. Berkah dan sehat selalu sekeluarga. Aamiin

    2. Semoga di tahun baru lebih baik dan berkah dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Aamiin

  19. Hopefully the vaccines will be distributed well and the people will be healthier. Aminnn.

  20. saya percaya selepas banyak negara menerima vaksin, kes covid akan berkurangan... tapi sebelum itu jagalah kesihatan sebaiknya #staysafe

    1. Betul. Dan setelah divaksin pun tetap protokol kesehatan dilaksanakan. Kalau ga salah hasil vaksin baru bekerja setelah 2 minggu divaksin. Stay safe and healthy

    2. betul tu. yang penting kita berdisiplin. pasti keadaan kembali aman dan pulih seperti sebelum ini

  21. Smart opinion. Thank you for your information

  22. Well-written and good informative post!
    I totally agree with your views regarding vaccines and Health.

  23. I pray that the nightmare will be behind us soon and that the mass vaccinations are the light at the end of the tunnel in 2021.

    Stay safe!

  24. Thanks for the post and the information. Stay strong.

  25. tidak bisa dipungkiri memang ada sebagian yang memanfaatkan pandemi ini untuk menarik keuntungan, tapi yang tidak habis pikir saya pak ada yang tidak believe bahwa korona ini ada hanya politik dan bisnis semata

    1. Biasanya yang tidak percaya korona karena terlalu apatis, bosan, dan tidak merasakan terkena korona. Di samping apatis, ada juga yang terlalu fobia. Sehingga menurunkan kualitas hidup dan mudah curiga. Bisnis pasti ada tapi kemanusiaan yang utama

  26. nice post.....
    hope, this pandemic overs soon....

  27. Thank you for information. I hope people will be healthier :) Stay safe :)

    1. You're very welcome. You too, stay safe and healthy

  28. Very interested post! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week! 🤗🤗🤗

  29. Very interested article! Thanks for sharing! 😘😘😘

  30. Saludos a la distancia. Un articulo muy interesante.

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  32. Very interested article! Have a great weekend my friend! 🌸🌸🌸

  33. Saludos desde Andalucia...España.

  34. Muy bueno e interesante el articulo. Gracias por compartirlo y visitar mi blog. Un abrazo

    1. Gracias por la apreciación. Éxito para ti también

  35. Very interested article, thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend my friend! 🤗🤗🤗

  36. Very interested article! Thanks for sharing! Have a great evening! 🤗🤗🤗

  37. Thanks for stopping by my blog! 😘😘😘

  38. gracias por su visita y agradecimiento

  39. Saya menyukai blog Anda dan menarik perhatian saya karena Anda menulis kepada saya dari jauh sekali.
    Saya tertarik untuk mengetahui apa yang terjadi di negara yang begitu jauh dari negara saya. Saya membaca beberapa posting dan memahami apa yang terjadi di negara Anda. Saya akan tetap berhubungan. Saya menggunakan penerjemah untuk menulis kepada Anda.
    Salam dari Argentina

    1. Siap. Terima kasih atas apresiasinya. Tetap saling support satu sama lain agar blog semakin berkembang. Salam hangat dari Indonesia

  40. Thank you very much for visiting and the comment you left.

    Great article, I read it with great interest.
    Many people die from Covid in my country. Although I am vaccinated (2 doses) against this terrible disease, I follow the prohibitions, orders, I wear masks.
    I send greetings from distant, rainy and cold Poland:)

    1. Thx for your appreciation. of course it will be calmer if you have been vaccinated. In Indonesia, corona cases are decreasing. But during the long holiday, corona cases increased. Of course there needs to be a solution. Stay safe and healthy

  41. De acuerdo, la ética debe ir por encima de las ganancias



    1. Así es. ética y humanidad. A menudo, los intereses comerciales solo crean codicia

    2. Oi Vick

      Tinha três anos, passei pela Pandemia da tuberculose. Minha mãe pegou e foi internada, cada filho foi para um parente. Eu fui para o interior de São Paulo.
      Tenho no blog tudo que aconteceu. Que horror. Mas surgiu um médico que foi para os Estados Unidos, custeado pelo nosso governo e descobriu a vacina.
      Morreu muita gente, jogavam os corpos no rio.
      Elle criou a vacina pra curar todos que estavam doente. Minha mãe pegou, mas sarou. Eu fiz no blog em vários capítulos sobre a tuberculose. Foi terrível.
      Obrigada por me seguir.
      Fique bem
      Lua Singular

    3. Obrigado por compartilhar sua opinião e experiência incrível. As vacinas são necessárias para a prevenção de doenças, é claro que elas devem atender aos requisitos e devem ser saudáveis ​​também. Permaneçam saudáveis ​​e continuem apoiando uns aos outros

  42. A Organização Mundial de Saúde tem-se esforçado para que nenhum país fique para trás, na distribuição das vacinas, para que, à escala global, todos possam beneficiar da proteção devida. A preocupação contida no seu texto faz todo o sentido.
    Abraço solidário.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. Obrigado pela sua opinião. Afinal, é o fator humano que deve ser priorizado, não o negócio

  43. Yes, my friend, may God bless us



  44. Alhamdulillah saya udh divaksin :D

    1. Alhamdulillah. Setidaknya lebih tenang sudah divaksin walau tetap waspada dan taat prokes. Stay safe and healthy

  45. Here's to us getting closer and closer to ending the pandemic. Take care.

  46. Very good information. Thank you so much. Thank you for your comment too!

  47. ! Thanks for sharing! 😍😍😍 Have a great week!

  48. Thank you for the detailed information. Take care.


1. Please comment smartly, wisely, and in accordance with the topic of article
2. Open to suggestions for improving this blog
3. Intend blogwalking and follow each other's blog as a means of friendship and to share the most simple knowledge/goodness. Hopefully blessings, Aamiin :)😇