Thursday, February 1, 2024

Sport must Involve Strong Physical Movement, How about Chess?

According to UNESCO, sport is every bodies activity such a game that contains the struggle against nature, others, and ourselves. The struggle should contain physical and mental activity. Physical activity involve strong movement process and body endurance. Then, mental activity should contain toughness to survive and become the best participants. If we look that definition, so it include the sport like individual sport such as boxing, swimming, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), and teamwork sport such as soccer and basketball.

How about chess, one of individual sports? Altough chess was official sport, I often hear people say that chess was inappropriate called sport until now because it didn't involve strong physical movement. It only about think and think activity. Move the chest piece was not strong physical movement. Chess didn't take a lot of sweat. But, there was opinion against it. Think activity is part of brain sport. Practice brain skill for many hours in one professional chess match needs physical strength. I see that one professional chess match spend 6 hours. Chess learn about individual strategy to win the game with many plans. In my opinion, in chess match, if we have a bad physique, mood, patience, and mental, we will lose the game easily. So, before the match, we must keep our fitness. All of it was become element of sport. I agree and pro about chess was a sport, but I respect the people who disagree with that.

At first glance, chess is like an esports (online game), requiring special preparation beforehand, both physically and mentally. There is a spirit of competition (healthy competition), fair play, and sportsmanship (admitting defeat and being humble for those who win). Even esports requires team work too.


Do you agree about that quote? I'm netral hehe.. Garry Kasparov, world chess grandmaster said that chess is an art and not a spectator sport. He was dubious evidently about chess was a real sport. I think that quote explain that chess is not suitable for spectator who like adrenalinded pumped. It very bored. No yell, shout, and other attractive things from supporters like soccer, basketball, etc. But, that's where the art was. Chess match needs silence, patience, and applause for a different moment to support their idol athlete. Chess match needs high concentration and many plans to win the game. If the game was broadcast on television, it needs many ads running to resolve boredom as a result of a quiet in the match hehe..

When we play chess under pressure (not for entertainment, not for fun, but for carry the name of the country), so we will spend take a lot of sweat, because we are in tense condition. It remove a lot of fluids. The activity that remove a lot of fluids could be called sport. So, we have to look view of the whole part, not a half part, and sure that chess deserves to be called sport. Besude that, we must plan the certain exercise, not only physics, but also mental, before the match.

Please also come to my first blog (about innovation, law, management, & soccer, full text Indonesia), third blog (about problems & electrical solutions, full text Indonesia), and fourth blog (about pets, full text Indonesia). May be useful. Thx. Here's the link: 


  1. Chess need full concentration in the match, so the body condition must be fit likes athlete. Thx for sharing


    1. I agree. Chess athletes must have good physical, strategi, & mental because they play under pressure, especially supporter. Thx

  2. Estar em forma física coloca-nos com aptidão mental.
    "Mente sã em corpo são!"

    1. concordo e também pode ser considerado parte das atividades esportivas

  3. Eu concordo, apesar de usar mais a mente, o xadrez também é um esporte. Um abraço!

    1. Para ter uma boa mente, é claro que você precisa se preparar física e mentalmente, incluindo exercícios

  4. Chess is a brain sport. To have an intelligent brain, you must frequently sharpen it, one of which is through sports activities

    1. That's why brain exercise must be interpreted broadly, how to make the brain smarter and more trained, of course through measurable physical activity and also mental training

    2. And one thing, chess will spend take a lot of sweat when you think hard

  5. Sayangnya, catur jaraaang sekali dipertandingkan di sekolah2 dalam event2 olahraga ya :D
    Dan ya .. saya setuju dengan komen Pak Vicky di atas ... catur itu menghabiskan energi juga. :)

    1. Betul. Ketika berpikir penuh konsentrasi ternyata membutuhkan energi besar dan mengeluarkan keringat banyak

  6. Chess is a brain sport, which is why we always need concentration when we play it, but it's definitely good for our brain, and not everybody can play this sport.

    1. Agree, concentration and think hard, fast, and smart is difficult to train

  7. I wonder why chess is mentioned as sport for a long time. Luckyly, i read the article so i understand that chess is a sport, although there is someone tell that is an art.

    1. Thx for appreciation. Chess is a brain sport and need good physic and mental to do it

  8. Di rumah saya dulu disediakan catur. Entah mengapa saya bermain dan tetap kalah melawan bapak atau kakak sepupu saya. Haha

    1. Berarti memang potensinya bukan di situ hehe... Tiap cabang olahraga punya value masing-masing. Biasanya jago catur itu pemikir sementara atlet MMA itu pemberani atau sepak bola senang bekerja sama

  9. Menarik membaca artikel ini, aku bukan peminat catur dan juga tidak tahu main catur, tapi saya setuju "chess is an art and not a spectator sport" aku melihat bahwa pemain catur butuh strategi dan langkah mengatur strategi itulah seni. 👍

    1. Catur bisa dikatakan juga seni berpikir mengatur strategi

  10. Catur menurutku salah satu olahraga lah, soalnya otak bekerja juga perlu energi, belum lagi kadang permainan catur bisa satu jam lebih bahkan 3 jam dan itu perlu fisik yang prima.

    1. Setuju. Persiapannya itu harus sehat secara fisik dan mental. Dibutuhkan latihan seperti atlet lain juga

  11. Dear Vicky, how r u!
    i like play chess.
    Gros bisous!

  12. Chess was my favorite game during elementary and middle school. It's true that the game is identical for those who are classified as geeks, but when playing with the pressure of having to win, my hands become full of sweat.

    1. Agree. Thats why think hard and smart with full concentration need big energy

  13. Bagi sebagian orang, bermain catur itu tidak ada hal yang menantang. Hal ini wajar saja mengingat catur hanya mengandalkan otak. Tapi saya rasa, alasan mengapa catur tergolong olahraga sama seperti alasan game yang dikategorikan E-Sports.

    1. Betul. Mungkin harus hobi ya, bagi mereka pehobi catur atau gamer sejati itu merupakan sesuatu yang menantang

  14. Amigo, me gusta el ajedrez pero no tengo la concentración para jugarlo bien pero sigo en el intento, para mi es un arte, disciplina, concentración, silencio y que te guste la sana competencia.
    Cariños y besos

    1. Aceptar. El ajedrez también requiere una concentración extraordinaria bajo la presión del público.

  15. El ajedrez no es un deporte, pero es un juego que realmente es una guerra



  16. Saya setuju sekali
    saya suka dengan catur

  17. Amigo, te deseo un bello inicio de semana.
    Cariños y besos

  18. Vicky, se requiere de mucha concentración para jugar al ajedrez y yo no la tengo.
    Abrazos y besos buen finde amigo querido

  19. O xadrez implica um enorme esforço de concentração, o que vai implicar grande cansaço porque as partidas se prolongam no tempo.
    Para ultrapassar tudo isso é necessária grande resistência.
    Abraço amigo.
    Juvenal Nunes


    1. Obrigado por sua opinião. O xadrez requer concentração total. Concentrar-se requer muita energia

  20. Es un juego que es un arte, no un deporte



  21. Vicky, que tengas un bonito dia,
    Abrazos y te dejo un 💋

  22. Vicky te dejo un 💋 y te deseo un bonito inicio de semana.
    Abrazos querido amigo

  23. Chess is great for brain sport ahahah!!!

  24. Chess is a great sport.
    Have a nice week.


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